
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Iterable

public class DigitalSignatureCollection implements Iterable

Provides a read-only collection of digital signatures attached to a document.

To learn more, visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article.




Shows how to validate and display information about each signature in a document.

 Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Digitally signed.docx");

 for (DigitalSignature signature : doc.getDigitalSignatures()) {
     System.out.println("*** Signature Found ***");
     System.out.println("Is valid: " + signature.isValid());
     // This property is available in MS Word documents only
     System.out.println("Reason for signing: " + signature.getComments());
     System.out.println("Signature type: " + signature.getSignatureType());
     System.out.println("Time of signing: " + signature.getSignTime());
     System.out.println("Subject name: " + signature.getSubjectName());
     System.out.println("Issuer name: " + signature.getIssuerName());

Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

 // Verify that a document is not signed.
 Assert.assertFalse(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getMyDir() + "Document.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

 SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions();
 signOptions.setSignTime(new Date());

 // There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
 // 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
 DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
         certificateHolder, signOptions);

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // 2 - Take a document from a stream, and save a signed copy to another stream.
 InputStream inDoc = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 try {
     OutputStream outDoc = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
     try {
         DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);
     } finally {
         if (outDoc != null) outDoc.close();
 } finally {
     if (inDoc != null) inDoc.close();

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
 Document signedDoc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
 DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures();

 Assert.assertEquals(1, digitalSignatureCollection.getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals(DigitalSignatureType.XML_DSIG, digitalSignatureCollection.get(0).getSignatureType());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getIssuerName());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getSubjectName());


get(int index)Gets a document signature at the specified index.
getCount()Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
isValid()Returns true if all digital signatures in this collection are valid and the document has not been tampered with Also returns true if there are no digital signatures.
iterator()Returns a dictionary iterator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.

get(int index)

public DigitalSignature get(int index)

Gets a document signature at the specified index.


Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

 // Verify that a document is not signed.
 Assert.assertFalse(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getMyDir() + "Document.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

 SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions();
 signOptions.setSignTime(new Date());

 // There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
 // 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
 DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
         certificateHolder, signOptions);

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // 2 - Take a document from a stream, and save a signed copy to another stream.
 InputStream inDoc = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 try {
     OutputStream outDoc = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
     try {
         DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);
     } finally {
         if (outDoc != null) outDoc.close();
 } finally {
     if (inDoc != null) inDoc.close();

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
 Document signedDoc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
 DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures();

 Assert.assertEquals(1, digitalSignatureCollection.getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals(DigitalSignatureType.XML_DSIG, digitalSignatureCollection.get(0).getSignatureType());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getIssuerName());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getSubjectName());


indexintZero-based index of the signature.

Returns: DigitalSignature - A document signature at the specified index.


public int getCount()

Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.


Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

 // Verify that a document is not signed.
 Assert.assertFalse(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getMyDir() + "Document.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

 SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions();
 signOptions.setSignTime(new Date());

 // There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
 // 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
 DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
         certificateHolder, signOptions);

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // 2 - Take a document from a stream, and save a signed copy to another stream.
 InputStream inDoc = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 try {
     OutputStream outDoc = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
     try {
         DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);
     } finally {
         if (outDoc != null) outDoc.close();
 } finally {
     if (inDoc != null) inDoc.close();

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
 Document signedDoc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
 DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures();

 Assert.assertEquals(1, digitalSignatureCollection.getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals(DigitalSignatureType.XML_DSIG, digitalSignatureCollection.get(0).getSignatureType());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getIssuerName());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getSubjectName());

Returns: int - The number of elements contained in the collection.


public boolean isValid()

Returns true if all digital signatures in this collection are valid and the document has not been tampered with Also returns true if there are no digital signatures. Returns false if at least one digital signature is invalid.


Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

 // Verify that a document is not signed.
 Assert.assertFalse(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getMyDir() + "Document.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
 CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.create(getMyDir() + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

 SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions();
 signOptions.setSignTime(new Date());

 // There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
 // 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
 DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(getMyDir() + "Document.docx", getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
         certificateHolder, signOptions);

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // 2 - Take a document from a stream, and save a signed copy to another stream.
 InputStream inDoc = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
 try {
     OutputStream outDoc = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
     try {
         DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);
     } finally {
         if (outDoc != null) outDoc.close();
 } finally {
     if (inDoc != null) inDoc.close();

 Assert.assertTrue(FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").hasDigitalSignature());

 // Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
 Document signedDoc = new Document(getArtifactsDir() + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
 DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures();

 Assert.assertEquals(1, digitalSignatureCollection.getCount());
 Assert.assertEquals(DigitalSignatureType.XML_DSIG, digitalSignatureCollection.get(0).getSignatureType());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getIssuerName());
 Assert.assertEquals("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.getDigitalSignatures().get(0).getSubjectName());

Returns: boolean - true if all digital signatures in this collection are valid and the document has not been tampered with Also returns true if there are no digital signatures.


public Iterator iterator()

Returns a dictionary iterator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.


Shows how to print all the digital signatures of a signed document.

 DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatures =
         DigitalSignatureUtil.loadSignatures(getMyDir() + "Digitally signed.docx");

 Iterator enumerator = digitalSignatures.iterator();
 while (enumerator.hasNext()) {
     DigitalSignature ds =;

     if (ds != null)

Returns: java.util.Iterator