
public interface IFieldDatabaseProvider

Implement this interface to provide data for the FieldDatabase field when it’s updated.


Shows how to extract data from a database and insert it as a field into a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the result in a table.
 FieldDatabase field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getDatabaseDir() + "Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [Products]");

 Assert.assertEquals(MessageFormat.format(" DATABASE  \\d {0} \\c \"DSN=MS Access Databases\" \\s \"SELECT * FROM [Products]\"", getDatabaseDir().replace("\\", "\\\\") + "Northwind.accdb"),

 // Insert another DATABASE field with a more complex query that sorts all products in descending order by gross sales.
 field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getMyDir() + "Database\\Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT [Products].ProductName, FORMAT(SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice * (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity), 'Currency') AS GrossSales " +
         "FROM([Products] " +
         "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products].[ProductID] = [Order Details].[ProductID]) " +
         "GROUP BY[Products].ProductName " +
         "ORDER BY SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice* (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity) DESC");

 // These properties have the same function as LIMIT and TOP clauses.
 // Configure them to display only rows 1 to 10 of the query result in the field's table.

 // This property is the index of the format we want to use for our table. The list of table formats is in the "Table AutoFormat..." menu
 // that shows up when we create a DATABASE field in Microsoft Word. Index #10 corresponds to the "Colorful 3" format.

 // The FormatAttribute property is a string representation of an integer which stores multiple flags.
 // We can patrially apply the format which the TableFormat property points to by setting different flags in this property.
 // The number we use is the sum of a combination of values corresponding to different aspects of the table style.
 // 63 represents 1 (borders) + 2 (shading) + 4 (font) + 8 (color) + 16 (autofit) + 32 (heading rows).

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Field.DATABASE.docx");


getQueryResult(String fileName, String connection, String query, FieldDatabase field)Returns query result.

getQueryResult(String fileName, String connection, String query, FieldDatabase field)

public abstract FieldDatabaseDataTable getQueryResult(String fileName, String connection, String query, FieldDatabase field)

Returns query result.


Shows how to extract data from a database and insert it as a field into a document.

 Document doc = new Document();
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

 // This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the result in a table.
 FieldDatabase field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getDatabaseDir() + "Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT * FROM [Products]");

 Assert.assertEquals(MessageFormat.format(" DATABASE  \\d {0} \\c \"DSN=MS Access Databases\" \\s \"SELECT * FROM [Products]\"", getDatabaseDir().replace("\\", "\\\\") + "Northwind.accdb"),

 // Insert another DATABASE field with a more complex query that sorts all products in descending order by gross sales.
 field = (FieldDatabase) builder.insertField(FieldType.FIELD_DATABASE, true);
 field.setFileName(getMyDir() + "Database\\Northwind.accdb");
 field.setConnection("DSN=MS Access Databases");
 field.setQuery("SELECT [Products].ProductName, FORMAT(SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice * (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity), 'Currency') AS GrossSales " +
         "FROM([Products] " +
         "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products].[ProductID] = [Order Details].[ProductID]) " +
         "GROUP BY[Products].ProductName " +
         "ORDER BY SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice* (1 - [Order Details].Discount) * [Order Details].Quantity) DESC");

 // These properties have the same function as LIMIT and TOP clauses.
 // Configure them to display only rows 1 to 10 of the query result in the field's table.

 // This property is the index of the format we want to use for our table. The list of table formats is in the "Table AutoFormat..." menu
 // that shows up when we create a DATABASE field in Microsoft Word. Index #10 corresponds to the "Colorful 3" format.

 // The FormatAttribute property is a string representation of an integer which stores multiple flags.
 // We can patrially apply the format which the TableFormat property points to by setting different flags in this property.
 // The number we use is the sum of a combination of values corresponding to different aspects of the table style.
 // 63 represents 1 (borders) + 2 (shading) + 4 (font) + 8 (color) + 16 (autofit) + 32 (heading rows).

 doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "Field.DATABASE.docx");


fileNamejava.lang.StringThe complete path and file name of the database specified in the \d field switch.
connectionjava.lang.StringThe connection to the data specified in the \c field switch.
queryjava.lang.StringThe set of SQL instructions that query the database specified in the \s field switch.
fieldFieldDatabaseThe field being updated.

Returns: FieldDatabaseDataTable - The FieldDatabaseDataTable instance that should be used for the field’s update.