
SignOptions.SignatureLineId property

Signature line identifier. Default value is Empty (all zeroes) Guid.

public Guid SignatureLineId { get; set; }


When set, it associates SignatureLine with corresponding DigitalSignature.


Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then sign it using a digital certificate.

        public static void Sign()
            string signeeName = "Ron Williams";
            string srcDocumentPath = MyDir + "Document.docx";
            string dstDocumentPath = ArtifactsDir + "SignDocumentCustom.Sign.docx";
            string certificatePath = MyDir + "morzal.pfx";
            string certificatePassword = "aw";


            Signee signeeInfo = mSignees.Find(c => c.Name == signeeName);

            if (signeeInfo != null)
                SignDocument(srcDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, signeeInfo, certificatePath, certificatePassword);
                Assert.Fail("Signee does not exist.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a copy of a source document signed using provided signee information and X509 certificate.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SignDocument(string srcDocumentPath, string dstDocumentPath,
            Signee signeeInfo, string certificatePath, string certificatePassword)
            Document document = new Document(srcDocumentPath);
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);

            // Configure and insert a signature line, an object in the document that will display a signature that we sign it with.
            SignatureLineOptions signatureLineOptions = new SignatureLineOptions
                Signer = signeeInfo.Name, 
                SignerTitle = signeeInfo.Position

            SignatureLine signatureLine = builder.InsertSignatureLine(signatureLineOptions).SignatureLine;
            signatureLine.Id = signeeInfo.PersonId;

            // First, we will save an unsigned version of our document.

            CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(certificatePath, certificatePassword);

            SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions
                SignatureLineId = signeeInfo.PersonId,
                SignatureLineImage = signeeInfo.Image

            // Overwrite the unsigned document we saved above with a version signed using the certificate.
            DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(dstDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, certificateHolder, signOptions);

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an image to a byte array.
        /// </summary>
        private static byte[] ImageToByteArray(string imagePath)
            Image image = Image.FromFile(imagePath);
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                return ms.ToArray();
#elif NET5_0_OR_GREATER || __MOBILE__
            return SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(imagePath).Bytes;

        public class Signee
            public Guid PersonId { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Position { get; set; }
            public byte[] Image { get; set; }

            public Signee(Guid guid, string name, string position, byte[] image)
                PersonId = guid;
                Name = name;
                Position = position;
                Image = image;

        private static void CreateSignees()
            var signImagePath = ImageDir + "Logo.jpg";

            mSignees = new List<Signee>
                new Signee(Guid.NewGuid(), "Ron Williams", "Chief Executive Officer",
                new Signee(Guid.NewGuid(), "Stephen Morse", "Head of Compliance",

        private static List<Signee> mSignees;

See Also