
ChartSeries.Name property

Gets or sets the name of the series, if name is not set explicitly it is generated using index. By default returns Series plus one based index.

public string Name { get; set; }


Shows how to apply labels to data points in a line chart.

public void DataLabels()
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

    Shape chartShape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Line, 400, 300);
    Chart chart = chartShape.Chart;

    Assert.AreEqual(3, chart.Series.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual("Series 1", chart.Series[0].Name);
    Assert.AreEqual("Series 2", chart.Series[1].Name);
    Assert.AreEqual("Series 3", chart.Series[2].Name);

    // Apply data labels to every series in the chart.
    // These labels will appear next to each data point in the graph and display its value.
    foreach (ChartSeries series in chart.Series)
        ApplyDataLabels(series, 4, "000.0", ", ");
        Assert.AreEqual(4, series.DataLabels.Count);

    // Change the separator string for every data label in a series.
    using (IEnumerator<ChartDataLabel> enumerator = chart.Series[0].DataLabels.GetEnumerator())
        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            Assert.AreEqual(", ", enumerator.Current.Separator);
            enumerator.Current.Separator = " & ";

    ChartDataLabel dataLabel = chart.Series[1].DataLabels[2];
    dataLabel.Format.Fill.Color = Color.Red;

    // For a cleaner looking graph, we can remove data labels individually.

    // We can also strip an entire series of its data labels at once.

    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Charts.DataLabels.docx");

/// <summary>
/// Apply data labels with custom number format and separator to several data points in a series.
/// </summary>
private static void ApplyDataLabels(ChartSeries series, int labelsCount, string numberFormat, string separator)
    series.HasDataLabels = true;
    series.Explosion = 40;

    for (int i = 0; i < labelsCount; i++)

        series.DataLabels[i].ShowCategoryName = true;
        series.DataLabels[i].ShowSeriesName = true;
        series.DataLabels[i].ShowValue = true;
        series.DataLabels[i].ShowLeaderLines = true;
        series.DataLabels[i].ShowLegendKey = true;
        series.DataLabels[i].ShowPercentage = false;

        series.DataLabels[i].NumberFormat.FormatCode = numberFormat;
        series.DataLabels[i].Separator = separator;


See Also