
DashStyle enumeration

Dashed line style.

public enum DashStyle


Solid0Solid (continuous) pen.
ShortDash1System dash style.
ShortDot2System dash style.
ShortDashDot3System dash style.
ShortDashDotDot4System dash style.
Dot5Square dot style.
Dash6Dash style.
LongDash7Long dash style.
DashDot8Dash short dash.
LongDashDot9Long dash short dash.
LongDashDotDot10Long dash short dash short dash.
Default0Same as Solid.


Shows to create a variety of shapes.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Below are four examples of shapes that we can insert into our documents.
// 1 -  Dotted, horizontal, half-transparent red line
// with an arrow on the left end and a diamond on the right end:
Shape arrow = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.Line);
arrow.Width = 200;
arrow.Stroke.Color = Color.Red;
arrow.Stroke.StartArrowType = ArrowType.Arrow;
arrow.Stroke.StartArrowLength = ArrowLength.Long;
arrow.Stroke.StartArrowWidth = ArrowWidth.Wide;
arrow.Stroke.EndArrowType = ArrowType.Diamond;
arrow.Stroke.EndArrowLength = ArrowLength.Long;
arrow.Stroke.EndArrowWidth = ArrowWidth.Wide;
arrow.Stroke.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
arrow.Stroke.Opacity = 0.5;

Assert.AreEqual(JoinStyle.Miter, arrow.Stroke.JoinStyle);


// 2 -  Thick black diagonal line with rounded ends:
Shape line = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.Line);
line.Top = 40;
line.Width = 200;
line.Height = 20;
line.StrokeWeight = 5.0;
line.Stroke.EndCap = EndCap.Round;


// 3 -  Arrow with a green fill:
Shape filledInArrow = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.Arrow);
filledInArrow.Width = 200;
filledInArrow.Height = 40;
filledInArrow.Top = 100;
filledInArrow.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Green;
filledInArrow.Fill.Visible = true;


// 4 -  Arrow with a flipped orientation filled in with the Aspose logo:
Shape filledInArrowImg = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.Arrow);
filledInArrowImg.Width = 200;
filledInArrowImg.Height = 40;
filledInArrowImg.Top = 160;
filledInArrowImg.FlipOrientation = FlipOrientation.Both;

byte[] imageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");

using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(imageBytes))
    Image image = Image.FromStream(stream);
    // When we flip the orientation of our arrow, we also flip the image that the arrow contains.
    // Flip the image the other way to cancel this out before getting the shape to display it.

    filledInArrowImg.Stroke.JoinStyle = JoinStyle.Round;


doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Drawing.VariousShapes.docx");

See Also