
FormFieldCollection indexer (1 of 2)

Returns a form field at the specified index.

public FormField this[int index] { get; }
indexAn index into the collection.


The index is zero-based.

Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.

If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.

If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.


Shows how insert different kinds of form fields into a document, and process them with using a document visitor implementation.

public void Visitor()
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

    // Use a document builder to insert a combo box.
    builder.Write("Choose a value from this combo box: ");
    FormField comboBox = builder.InsertComboBox("MyComboBox", new[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }, 0);
    comboBox.CalculateOnExit = true;
    Assert.AreEqual(3, comboBox.DropDownItems.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual(0, comboBox.DropDownSelectedIndex);


    // Use a document builder to insert a check box.
    builder.Write("Click this check box to tick/untick it: ");
    FormField checkBox = builder.InsertCheckBox("MyCheckBox", false, 50);
    checkBox.IsCheckBoxExactSize = true;
    checkBox.HelpText = "Right click to check this box";
    checkBox.OwnHelp = true;
    checkBox.StatusText = "Checkbox status text";
    checkBox.OwnStatus = true;
    Assert.AreEqual(50.0d, checkBox.CheckBoxSize);


    // Use a document builder to insert text input form field.
    builder.Write("Enter text here: ");
    FormField textInput = builder.InsertTextInput("MyTextInput", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Placeholder text", 50);
    textInput.EntryMacro = "EntryMacro";
    textInput.ExitMacro = "ExitMacro";
    textInput.TextInputDefault = "Regular";
    textInput.TextInputFormat = "FIRST CAPITAL";
    textInput.SetTextInputValue("New placeholder text");
    Assert.AreEqual(TextFormFieldType.Regular, textInput.TextInputType);
    Assert.AreEqual(50, textInput.MaxLength);

    // This collection contains all our form fields.
    FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
    Assert.AreEqual(3, formFields.Count);

    // Fields display our form fields. We can see their field codes by opening this document
    // in Microsoft and pressing Alt + F9. These fields have no switches,
    // and members of the FormField object fully govern their form fields' content.
    Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Range.Fields.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMDROPDOWN \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[0].GetFieldCode());
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMCHECKBOX \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[1].GetFieldCode());
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMTEXT \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[2].GetFieldCode());

    // Allow each form field to accept a document visitor.
    FormFieldVisitor formFieldVisitor = new FormFieldVisitor();

    using (IEnumerator<FormField> fieldEnumerator = formFields.GetEnumerator())
        while (fieldEnumerator.MoveNext())


    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FormFields.Visitor.html");

/// <summary>
/// Visitor implementation that prints details of form fields that it visits. 
/// </summary>
public class FormFieldVisitor : DocumentVisitor
    public FormFieldVisitor()
        mBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when a FormField node is encountered in the document.
    /// </summary>
    public override VisitorAction VisitFormField(FormField formField)
        AppendLine(formField.Type + ": \"" + formField.Name + "\"");
        AppendLine("\tStatus: " + (formField.Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
        AppendLine("\tHelp Text:  " + formField.HelpText);
        AppendLine("\tEntry macro name: " + formField.EntryMacro);
        AppendLine("\tExit macro name: " + formField.ExitMacro);

        switch (formField.Type)
            case FieldType.FieldFormDropDown:
                AppendLine("\tDrop-down items count: " + formField.DropDownItems.Count + ", default selected item index: " + formField.DropDownSelectedIndex);
                AppendLine("\tDrop-down items: " + string.Join(", ", formField.DropDownItems.ToArray()));
            case FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox:
                AppendLine("\tCheckbox size: " + formField.CheckBoxSize);
                AppendLine("\t" + "Checkbox is currently: " + (formField.Checked ? "checked, " : "unchecked, ") + "by default: " + (formField.Default ? "checked" : "unchecked"));
            case FieldType.FieldFormTextInput:
                AppendLine("\tInput format: " + formField.TextInputFormat);
                AppendLine("\tCurrent contents: " + formField.Result);

        // Let the visitor continue visiting other nodes.
        return VisitorAction.Continue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds newline char-terminated text to the current output.
    /// </summary>
    private void AppendLine(string text)
        mBuilder.Append(text + '\n');

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the plain text of the document that was accumulated by the visitor.
    /// </summary>
    public string GetText()
        return mBuilder.ToString();

    private readonly StringBuilder mBuilder;

See Also

FormFieldCollection indexer (2 of 2)

Returns a form field by bookmark name.

public FormField this[string bookmarkName] { get; }
bookmarkNameCase-insensitive bookmark name.


Returns null if the form field with the specified bookmark name cannot be found.


Shows how insert different kinds of form fields into a document, and process them with using a document visitor implementation.

public void Visitor()
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

    // Use a document builder to insert a combo box.
    builder.Write("Choose a value from this combo box: ");
    FormField comboBox = builder.InsertComboBox("MyComboBox", new[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }, 0);
    comboBox.CalculateOnExit = true;
    Assert.AreEqual(3, comboBox.DropDownItems.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual(0, comboBox.DropDownSelectedIndex);


    // Use a document builder to insert a check box.
    builder.Write("Click this check box to tick/untick it: ");
    FormField checkBox = builder.InsertCheckBox("MyCheckBox", false, 50);
    checkBox.IsCheckBoxExactSize = true;
    checkBox.HelpText = "Right click to check this box";
    checkBox.OwnHelp = true;
    checkBox.StatusText = "Checkbox status text";
    checkBox.OwnStatus = true;
    Assert.AreEqual(50.0d, checkBox.CheckBoxSize);


    // Use a document builder to insert text input form field.
    builder.Write("Enter text here: ");
    FormField textInput = builder.InsertTextInput("MyTextInput", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Placeholder text", 50);
    textInput.EntryMacro = "EntryMacro";
    textInput.ExitMacro = "ExitMacro";
    textInput.TextInputDefault = "Regular";
    textInput.TextInputFormat = "FIRST CAPITAL";
    textInput.SetTextInputValue("New placeholder text");
    Assert.AreEqual(TextFormFieldType.Regular, textInput.TextInputType);
    Assert.AreEqual(50, textInput.MaxLength);

    // This collection contains all our form fields.
    FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
    Assert.AreEqual(3, formFields.Count);

    // Fields display our form fields. We can see their field codes by opening this document
    // in Microsoft and pressing Alt + F9. These fields have no switches,
    // and members of the FormField object fully govern their form fields' content.
    Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Range.Fields.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMDROPDOWN \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[0].GetFieldCode());
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMCHECKBOX \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[1].GetFieldCode());
    Assert.AreEqual(" FORMTEXT \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[2].GetFieldCode());

    // Allow each form field to accept a document visitor.
    FormFieldVisitor formFieldVisitor = new FormFieldVisitor();

    using (IEnumerator<FormField> fieldEnumerator = formFields.GetEnumerator())
        while (fieldEnumerator.MoveNext())


    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FormFields.Visitor.html");

/// <summary>
/// Visitor implementation that prints details of form fields that it visits. 
/// </summary>
public class FormFieldVisitor : DocumentVisitor
    public FormFieldVisitor()
        mBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when a FormField node is encountered in the document.
    /// </summary>
    public override VisitorAction VisitFormField(FormField formField)
        AppendLine(formField.Type + ": \"" + formField.Name + "\"");
        AppendLine("\tStatus: " + (formField.Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
        AppendLine("\tHelp Text:  " + formField.HelpText);
        AppendLine("\tEntry macro name: " + formField.EntryMacro);
        AppendLine("\tExit macro name: " + formField.ExitMacro);

        switch (formField.Type)
            case FieldType.FieldFormDropDown:
                AppendLine("\tDrop-down items count: " + formField.DropDownItems.Count + ", default selected item index: " + formField.DropDownSelectedIndex);
                AppendLine("\tDrop-down items: " + string.Join(", ", formField.DropDownItems.ToArray()));
            case FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox:
                AppendLine("\tCheckbox size: " + formField.CheckBoxSize);
                AppendLine("\t" + "Checkbox is currently: " + (formField.Checked ? "checked, " : "unchecked, ") + "by default: " + (formField.Default ? "checked" : "unchecked"));
            case FieldType.FieldFormTextInput:
                AppendLine("\tInput format: " + formField.TextInputFormat);
                AppendLine("\tCurrent contents: " + formField.Result);

        // Let the visitor continue visiting other nodes.
        return VisitorAction.Continue;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds newline char-terminated text to the current output.
    /// </summary>
    private void AppendLine(string text)
        mBuilder.Append(text + '\n');

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the plain text of the document that was accumulated by the visitor.
    /// </summary>
    public string GetText()
        return mBuilder.ToString();

    private readonly StringBuilder mBuilder;

See Also