]ImageFieldMergingArgs.Image property
Specifies the image that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
public Image Image { get; set; }
Shows how to use a callback to customize image merging logic.
public void MergeFieldImages()
Document doc = new Document();
// Insert a MERGEFIELD that will accept images from a source during a mail merge. Use the field code to reference
// a column in the data source which contains local system filenames of images we wish to use in the mail merge.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldMergeField field = (FieldMergeField)builder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD Image:ImageColumn");
// In this case, the field expects the data source to have such a column named "ImageColumn".
Assert.AreEqual("Image:ImageColumn", field.FieldName);
// Filenames can be lengthy, and if we can find a way to avoid storing them in the data source,
// we may considerably reduce its size.
// Create a data source that refers to images using short names.
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("Images");
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ImageColumn"));
dataTable.Rows.Add("Dark logo");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Transparent logo");
// Assign a merging callback that contains all logic that processes those names,
// and then execute the mail merge.
doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new ImageFilenameCallback();
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.MERGEFIELD.Images.docx");
/// <summary>
/// Contains a dictionary that maps names of images to local system filenames that contain these images.
/// If a mail merge data source uses one of the dictionary's names to refer to an image,
/// this callback will pass the respective filename to the merge destination.
/// </summary>
private class ImageFilenameCallback : IFieldMergingCallback
public ImageFilenameCallback()
mImageFilenames = new Dictionary<string, string>();
mImageFilenames.Add("Dark logo", ImageDir + "Logo.jpg");
mImageFilenames.Add("Transparent logo", ImageDir + "Transparent background logo.png");
void IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs args)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args)
if (mImageFilenames.ContainsKey(args.FieldValue.ToString()))
args.Image = Image.FromFile(mImageFilenames[args.FieldValue.ToString()]);
args.Image = SKBitmap.Decode(mImageFilenames[args.FieldValue.ToString()]);
args.ImageFileName = mImageFilenames[args.FieldValue.ToString()];
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> mImageFilenames;
See Also
- class ImageFieldMergingArgs
- namespace Aspose.Words.MailMerging
- assembly Aspose.Words