
SdtCalendarType enumeration

Specifies the possible types of calendars which can be used to specify CalendarType in an Office Open XML document.

public enum SdtCalendarType


Default0Used as default value in OOXML. Equals Gregorian.
Gregorian0Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. This calendar should be localized into the appropriate language.
GregorianArabic1Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. The values for this calendar should be presented in Arabic.
GregorianMeFrench2Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. The values for this calendar should be presented in Middle East French.
GregorianUs3Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. The values for this calendar should be presented in English.
GregorianXlitEnglish4Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. The values for this calendar should be the representation of the English strings in the corresponding Arabic characters (the Arabic transliteration of the English for the Gregorian calendar).
GregorianXlitFrench5Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used. The values for this calendar should be the representation of the French strings in the corresponding Arabic characters (the Arabic transliteration of the French for the Gregorian calendar).
Hebrew6Specifies that the Hebrew lunar calendar, as described by the Gauss formula for Passover [CITATION] and The Complete Restatement of Oral Law (Mishneh Torah),shall be used.
Hijri7Specifies that the Hijri lunar calendar, as described by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance, shall be used.
Japan8Specifies that the Japanese Emperor Era calendar, as described by Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X 0301, shall be used.
Korea9Specifies that the Korean Tangun Era calendar, as described by Korean Law Enactment No. 4, shall be used.
None10Specifies that no calendar should be used.
Saka11Specifies that the Saka Era calendar, as described by the Calendar Reform Committee of India, as part of the Indian Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, shall be used.
Taiwan12Specifies that the Taiwanese calendar, as defined by the Chinese National Standard CNS 7648, shall be used.
Thai13Specifies that the Thai calendar, as defined by the Royal Decree of H.M. King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) in Royal Gazette B. E. 2456 (1913 A.D.) and by the decree of Prime Minister Phibunsongkhram (1941 A.D.) to start the year on the Gregorian January 1 and to map year zero to Gregorian year 543 B.C., shall be used.


Shows how to prompt the user to enter a date with a structured document tag.

Document doc = new Document();

// Insert a structured document tag that prompts the user to enter a date.
// In Microsoft Word, this element is known as a "Date picker content control".
// When we click on the arrow on the right end of this tag in Microsoft Word,
// we will see a pop up in the form of a clickable calendar.
// We can use that popup to select a date that the tag will display.
StructuredDocumentTag sdtDate = new StructuredDocumentTag(doc, SdtType.Date, MarkupLevel.Inline);

// Display the date, according to the Saudi Arabian Arabic locale.
sdtDate.DateDisplayLocale = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("ar-SA").LCID;

// Set the format with which to display the date.
sdtDate.DateDisplayFormat = "dd MMMM, yyyy";
sdtDate.DateStorageFormat = SdtDateStorageFormat.DateTime;

// Display the date according to the Hijri calendar.
sdtDate.CalendarType = SdtCalendarType.Hijri;

// Before the user chooses a date in Microsoft Word, the tag will display the text "Click here to enter a date.".
// According to the tag's calendar, set the "FullDate" property to get the tag to display a default date.
sdtDate.FullDate = new DateTime(1440, 10, 20);

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.Date.docx");

See Also