
FontSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded property

Allows to specify whether the current font will be exported as a font resource. Default is true.

public bool IsExportNeeded { get; set; }


Shows how to define custom logic for exporting fonts when saving to HTML.

public void SaveExportedFonts()
    Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");

    // Configure a SaveOptions object to export fonts to separate files.
    // Set a callback that will handle font saving in a custom manner.
    HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
        ExportFontResources = true,
        FontSavingCallback = new HandleFontSaving()

    // The callback will export .ttf files and save them alongside the output document.
    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.SaveExportedFonts.html", options);

    foreach (string fontFilename in Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(ArtifactsDir), s => s.EndsWith(".ttf")))


/// <summary>
/// Prints information about exported fonts and saves them in the same local system folder as their output .html.
/// </summary>
public class HandleFontSaving : IFontSavingCallback
    void IFontSavingCallback.FontSaving(FontSavingArgs args)
        if (args.Bold) Console.Write(", bold");
        if (args.Italic) Console.Write(", italic");
        Console.WriteLine($"\nSource:\t{args.OriginalFileName}, {args.OriginalFileSize} bytes\n");

        // We can also access the source document from here.


        // There are two ways of saving an exported font.
        // 1 -  Save it to a local file system location:
        args.FontFileName = args.OriginalFileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last();

        // 2 -  Save it to a stream:
        args.FontStream =
            new FileStream(ArtifactsDir + args.OriginalFileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last(), FileMode.Create);

See Also