
XlsxSectionMode enumeration

Specifies how sections are handled when saving a document in the XLSX format.

public enum XlsxSectionMode


MultipleWorksheets0Specifies that a separate worksheet is created for each section of a document.
SingleWorksheet1Specifies that all sections of a document are saved on one worksheet.


Shows how to save document as a separate worksheets.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Big document.docx");

// Each section of a document will be created as a separate worksheet.
// Use 'SingleWorksheet' to display all document on one worksheet.
XlsxSaveOptions xlsxSaveOptions = new XlsxSaveOptions();
xlsxSaveOptions.SectionMode = XlsxSectionMode.MultipleWorksheets;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "XlsxSaveOptions.SelectionMode.xlsx", xlsxSaveOptions);

See Also