
IRevisionCriteria interface

Implement this interface if you want to control when certain Revision should be accepted/rejected or not by the Accept/Reject methods.

public interface IRevisionCriteria


IsMatch(Revision)Checks whether or not specified revision matches criteria.


Shows how to accept or reject revision based on criteria.

public void RevisionSpecifiedCriteria()
    Document doc = new Document();
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
    builder.Write("This does not count as a revision. ");

    // To register our edits as revisions, we need to declare an author, and then start tracking them.
    doc.StartTrackRevisions("John Doe", DateTime.Now);
    builder.Write("This is insertion revision #1. ");

    doc.StartTrackRevisions("Jane Doe", DateTime.Now);
    builder.Write("This is insertion revision #2. ");
    // Remove a run "This does not count as a revision.".

    Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Revisions.Count);
    // We have two revisions from different authors, so we need to accept only one.
    doc.Revisions.Accept(new RevisionCriteria("John Doe", RevisionType.Insertion));
    Assert.AreEqual(2, doc.Revisions.Count);
    // Reject revision with different author name and revision type.
    doc.Revisions.Reject(new RevisionCriteria("Jane Doe", RevisionType.Deletion));
    Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.Revisions.Count);

    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Revision.RevisionSpecifiedCriteria.docx");

/// <summary>
/// Control when certain revision should be accepted/rejected.
/// </summary>
public class RevisionCriteria : IRevisionCriteria
    private readonly string AuthorName;
    private readonly RevisionType RevisionType;

    public RevisionCriteria(string authorName, RevisionType revisionType)
        AuthorName = authorName;
        RevisionType = revisionType;

    public bool IsMatch(Revision revision)
        return revision.Author == AuthorName && revision.RevisionType == RevisionType;

See Also