TextBoxAnchor enumeration

TextBoxAnchor enumeration

Specifies values used for shape text vertical alignment.


TOPText is aligned to the top of the textbox.
MIDDLEText is aligned to the middle of the textbox.
BOTTOMText is aligned to the bottom of the textbox.
TOP_CENTEREDText is aligned to the top centered of the textbox.
MIDDLE_CENTEREDText is aligned to the middle centered of the textbox.
BOTTOM_CENTEREDText is aligned to the bottom centered of the textbox.
TOP_BASELINEText is aligned to the top baseline of the textbox.
BOTTOM_BASELINEText is aligned to the bottom baseline of the textbox.
TOP_CENTERED_BASELINEText is aligned to the top centered baseline of the textbox.
BOTTOM_CENTERED_BASELINEText is aligned to the bottom centered baseline of the textbox.


Shows how to vertically align the text contents of a text box.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
shape = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.TEXT_BOX, width=200, height=200)
# Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Top" to
# align the text in this text box with the top side of the shape.
# Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Middle" to
# align the text in this text box to the center of the shape.
# Set the "VerticalAnchor" property to "TextBoxAnchor.Bottom" to
# align the text in this text box to the bottom of the shape.
shape.text_box.vertical_anchor = vertical_anchor
builder.write('Hello world!')
# The vertical aligning of text inside text boxes is available from Microsoft Word 2007 onwards.
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Shape.VerticalAnchor.docx')

See Also