template_name property

FieldOptions.template_name property

Gets or sets the file name of the template used by the document.

def template_name(self) -> str:

def template_name(self, value: str):


This property is used by the FieldTemplate field if the Document.attached_template property is empty.

If this property is empty, the default template file name Normal.dotm is used.


Shows how to use a TEMPLATE field to display the local file system location of a document’s template.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# We can set a template name using by the fields. This property is used when the "doc.AttachedTemplate" is empty.
# If this property is empty the default template file name "Normal.dotm" is used.
doc.field_options.template_name = ''
field = builder.insert_field(field_type=aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, update_field=False).as_field_template()
self.assertEqual(' TEMPLATE ', field.get_field_code())
field = builder.insert_field(field_type=aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_TEMPLATE, update_field=False).as_field_template()
field.include_full_path = True
self.assertEqual(' TEMPLATE  \\p', field.get_field_code())
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.TEMPLATE.docx')

See Also