ImageFieldMergingArgs class

ImageFieldMergingArgs class

Provides data for the IFieldMergingCallback.image_field_merging() event. To learn more, visit the Mail Merge and Reporting documentation article.


This event occurs during mail merge when an image mail merge field is encountered in the document. You can respond to this event to return a file name, stream, or an SkiaSharp.SKBitmap object to the mail merge engine so it is inserted into the document.

There are three properties available ImageFieldMergingArgs.image_file_name, ImageFieldMergingArgs.image_stream and Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.Image to specify where the image must be taken from. Set only one of these properties.

To insert an image mail merge field into a document in Word, select Insert/Field command, then select MergeField and type Image:MyFieldName.

Inheritance: ImageFieldMergingArgsFieldMergingArgsBase


documentReturns the FieldMergingArgsBase.document object for which the mail merge is performed.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
document_field_nameGets the name of the merge field as specified in the document.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
fieldGets the object that represents the current merge field.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
field_nameGets the name of the merge field in the data source.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
field_valueGets or sets the value of the field from the data source.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
image_file_nameSets the file name of the image that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
image_heightSpecifies the image height for the image to insert into the document.
image_streamSpecifies the stream for the mail merge engine to read an image from.
image_widthSpecifies the image width for the image to insert into the document.
record_indexGets the zero based index of the record that is being merged.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)
shapeSpecifies the shape that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
table_nameGets the name of the data table for the current merge operation or empty string if the name is not available.
(Inherited from FieldMergingArgsBase)

See Also