resolution_threshold property
DownsampleOptions.resolution_threshold property
Specifies the threshold resolution in pixels per inch. If resolution of an image in the document is less than threshold value, the downsampling algorithm will not be applied. A value of 0 means the threshold check is not used and all images that can be reduced in size are downsampled.
def resolution_threshold(self) -> int:
def resolution_threshold(self, value: int):
The default value is 0.
Shows how to change the resolution of images in the PDF document.
doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Images.docx')
# Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method
# to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
# By default, Aspose.Words downsample all images in a document that we save to PDF to 220 ppi.
self.assertEqual(220, options.downsample_options.resolution)
self.assertEqual(0, options.downsample_options.resolution_threshold) + 'PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.Default.pdf', save_options=options)
# Set the "Resolution" property to "36" to downsample all images to 36 ppi.
options.downsample_options.resolution = 36
# Set the "ResolutionThreshold" property to only apply the downsampling to
# images with a resolution that is above 128 ppi.
options.downsample_options.resolution_threshold = 128
# Only the first two images from the document will be downsampled at this stage. + 'PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions.LowerResolution.pdf', save_options=options)
See Also
- module aspose.words.saving
- class DownsampleOptions