encoding property

HtmlSaveOptions.encoding property

Specifies the encoding to use when exporting to HTML, MHTML or EPUB. Default value is new UTF8Encoding(false) (UTF-8 without BOM).

def encoding(self) -> str:

def encoding(self, value: str):



Shows how to use a specific encoding when saving a document to .epub.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Rendering.docx')
# Use a SaveOptions object to specify the encoding for a document that we will save.
save_options = aw.saving.HtmlSaveOptions()
save_options.save_format = aw.SaveFormat.EPUB
save_options.encoding = 'utf-8'
# By default, an output .epub document will have all its contents in one HTML part.
# A split criterion allows us to segment the document into several HTML parts.
# We will set the criteria to split the document into heading paragraphs.
# This is useful for readers who cannot read HTML files more significant than a specific size.
save_options.document_split_criteria = aw.saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.HEADING_PARAGRAPH
# Specify that we want to export document properties.
save_options.export_document_properties = True
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'HtmlSaveOptions.doc2_epub_save_options.epub', save_options)

See Also