ImageColorMode enumeration

ImageColorMode enumeration

Specifies the color mode for the generated images of document pages.


NONEThe pages of the document will be rendered as color images.
GRAYSCALEThe pages of the document will be rendered as grayscale images.
BLACK_AND_WHITEThe pages of the document will be rendered as black and white images.


Shows how to set a color mode when rendering documents.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc) = doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1')
builder.writeln('Hello world!')
builder.insert_image(file_name=IMAGE_DIR + 'Logo.jpg')
# When we save the document as an image, we can pass a SaveOptions object to
# select a color mode for the image that the saving operation will generate.
# If we set the "ImageColorMode" property to "ImageColorMode.BlackAndWhite",
# the saving operation will apply grayscale color reduction while rendering the document.
# If we set the "ImageColorMode" property to "ImageColorMode.Grayscale",
# the saving operation will render the document into a monochrome image.
# If we set the "ImageColorMode" property to "None", the saving operation will apply the default method
# and preserve all the document's colors in the output image.
image_save_options = aw.saving.ImageSaveOptions(aw.SaveFormat.PNG)
image_save_options.image_color_mode = image_color_mode + 'ImageSaveOptions.ColorMode.png', save_options=image_save_options)

See Also