Compatibility enumeration
Compatibility enumeration
Specifies names of compatibility options.
Name | Description |
NO_TAB_HANG_IND | No Tab Hang Indent |
NO_SPACE_RAISE_LOWER | No Space Raise Lower |
SUPPRESS_SP_BF_AFTER_PG_BRK | Suppress Space Before Paragraph Break |
WRAP_TRAIL_SPACES | Wrap Trailing Spaces |
PRINT_COL_BLACK | Print Column Background |
NO_COLUMN_BALANCE | No Column Balancing |
CONV_MAIL_MERGE_ESC | Convert Mail Merge Escapes |
SUPPRESS_TOP_SPACING | Suppress Top Spacing |
USE_SINGLE_BORDERFOR_CONTIGUOUS_CELLS | Use Single Border for Contiguous Cells |
TRANSPARENT_METAFILES | Transparent Metafiles |
SHOW_BREAKS_IN_FRAMES | Show Breaks in Frames |
SWAP_BORDERS_ODD_FACING_PGS | Swap Borders on Odd-Facing Pages |
DO_NOT_LEAVE_BACKSLASH_ALONE | Do Not Leave Backslash Alone |
DO_NOT_EXPAND_ON_SHIFT_RETURN | Do Not Expand on Shift Return |
UL_TRAIL_SPACE | Underline Trailing Space |
BALANCE_SINGLE_BYTE_DOUBLE_BYTE_WIDTH | Balance Single-Byte and Double-Byte Widths |
SUPPRESS_TOP_SPACING_AT_TOP_OF_PAGE | Suppress Top Line Spacing in WordPerfect |
SPACING_IN_WHOLE_POINTS | Spacing in Whole Points |
PRINT_BODY_TEXT_BEFORE_HEADER | Print Body Text Before Header |
NO_LEADING | No Leading |
SPACE_FOR_UL | Space for Underline |
MW_SMALL_CAPS | MW Small Caps |
SUPPRESS_TOP_LINE_SPACING_WP | Suppress Top Line Spacing in WordPerfect |
TRUNCATE_FONT_HEIGHT_LIKE_WP6 | Truncate Font Height Like WordPerfect 6 |
SUB_FONT_BY_SIZE | Substitute Font by Size |
LINE_WRAP_LIKE_WORD6 | Line Wrap Like Word 6 |
DO_NOT_SUPPRESS_PARAGRAPH_BORDER | Do Not Suppress Paragraph Border |
NO_EXTRA_LINE_SPACING | No Extra Line Spacing |
SUPPRESS_BOTTOM_SPACING | Suppress Bottom Spacing |
WP_SPACE_WIDTH | WordPerfect Space Width |
WP_JUSTIFICATION | WordPerfect Justification |
USE_PRINTER_METRICS | Use Printer Metrics |
SHAPE_LAYOUT_LIKE_WW8 | Shape Layout Like Word 2000 |
FOOTNOTE_LAYOUT_LIKE_WW8 | Footnote Layout Like Word 2000 |
ADJUST_LINE_HEIGHT_IN_TABLE | Adjust Line Height in Table |
FORGET_LAST_TAB_ALIGNMENT | Forget Last Tab Alignment |
AUTO_SPACE_LIKE_WORD95 | Auto Space Like Word 95 |
ALIGN_TABLE_ROW_BY_ROW | Align Table Rows by Rule |
LAYOUT_RAW_TABLE_WIDTH | Layout Raw Table Width |
LAYOUT_TABLE_ROWS_APART | Layout Table Rows Apart |
USE_WORD97_LINE_BREAK_RULES | Use Word 97 Line Break Rules |
DO_NOT_BREAK_WRAPPED_TABLES | Do Not Break Wrapped Tables |
DO_NOT_SNAP_TO_GRID_IN_CELL | Do Not Snap to Grid in Cells |
SELECT_FLD_WITH_FIRST_OR_LAST_CHAR | Select Field with First or Last Character |
APPLY_BREAKING_RULES | Apply Breaking Rules |
DO_NOT_WRAP_TEXT_WITH_PUNCT | Do Not Wrap Text with Punctuation |
DO_NOT_USE_EAST_ASIAN_BREAK_RULES | Do Not Use East Asian Break Rules |
USE_WORD2002_TABLE_STYLE_RULES | Use Word 2002 Table Style Rules |
GROW_AUTOFIT | Grow AutoFit |
USE_NORMAL_STYLE_FOR_LIST | Use Normal Style for List |
DO_NOT_USE_INDENT_AS_NUMBERING_TAB_STOP | Do Not Use Indent as Numbering Tab Stop |
USE_ALT_KINSOKU_LINE_BREAK_RULES | Use Alt Kinsoku Line Break Rules |
ALLOW_SPACE_OF_SAME_STYLE_IN_TABLE | Allow Space of Same Style in Table |
DO_NOT_SUPPRESS_INDENTATION | Do Not Suppress Indentation |
DO_NOT_AUTOFIT_CONSTRAINED_TABLES | Do Not AutoFit Constrained Tables |
AUTOFIT_TO_FIRST_FIXED_WIDTH_CELL | AutoFit to First Fixed-Width Cell |
UNDERLINE_TAB_IN_NUM_LIST | Underline Tab in Numbered List |
DISPLAY_HANGUL_FIXED_WIDTH | Display Hangul Fixed Width |
SPLIT_PG_BREAK_AND_PARA_MARK | Split Page Break and Paragraph Mark |
DO_NOT_VERT_ALIGN_CELL_WITH_SP | Do Not Vertically Align Cell with Spacing |
DO_NOT_BREAK_CONSTRAINED_FORCED_TABLE | Do Not Break Constrained Forced Tables |
DO_NOT_VERT_ALIGN_IN_TXBX | Do Not Vertically Align in Textboxes |
CACHED_COL_BALANCE | Cached Column Balancing |
USE_FE_LAYOUT | Use Far East Layout |
UI_COMPAT_97_TO_2003 | User Interface Compatibility Mode from Word 97 to Word 2003 |
OVERRIDE_TABLE_STYLE_FONT_SIZE_AND_JUSTIFICATION | Override Table Style Font Size and Justification |
DISABLE_OPEN_TYPE_FONT_FORMATTING_FEATURES | Disable OpenType Font Formatting Features |
SWAP_INSIDE_AND_OUTSIDE_FOR_MIRROR_INDENTS_AND_RELATIVE_POSITIONING | Swap Inside and Outside for Mirror Indents and Relative Positioning |
USE_WORD2010_TABLE_STYLE_RULES | Use Word 2010 Table Style Rules |
Shows how to optimize the document for different versions of Microsoft Word.
def optimize_for():
doc = aw.Document()
# This object contains an extensive list of flags unique to each document
# that allow us to facilitate backward compatibility with older versions of Microsoft Word.
options = doc.compatibility_options
# Print the default settings for a blank document.
print('\nDefault optimization settings:')
# We can access these settings in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Options" -> "Advanced" -> "Compatibility options for...". + 'CompatibilityOptions.optimize_for.default_settings.docx')
# We can use the OptimizeFor method to ensure optimal compatibility with a specific Microsoft Word version.
print('\nOptimized for Word 2010:')
print('\nOptimized for Word 2000:')
def print_compatibility_options(options: aw.settings.CompatibilityOptions):
"""Groups all flags in a document's compatibility options object by state, then prints each group."""
for enabled in (True, False):
print('\tEnabled options:' if enabled else '\tDisabled options:')
for opt in dir(options):
if not opt.startswith('__') and (not callable(getattr(options, opt))) and (getattr(options, opt) == enabled):
See Also
- module aspose.words.settings