WebExtensionBinding constructor

WebExtensionBinding(id, binding_type, app_ref)

Creates web extension binding with specified parameters.

def __init__(self, id: str, binding_type: aspose.words.webextensions.WebExtensionBindingType, app_ref: str):
idstrBinding identifier.
binding_typeWebExtensionBindingTypeBinding type.
app_refstrBinding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.


Shows how to add a web extension to a document.

doc = aw.Document()
# Create task pane with "MyScript" add-in, which will be used by the document,
# then set its default location.
my_script_task_pane = aw.webextensions.TaskPane()
my_script_task_pane.dock_state = aw.webextensions.TaskPaneDockState.RIGHT
my_script_task_pane.is_visible = True
my_script_task_pane.width = 300
my_script_task_pane.is_locked = True
# If there are multiple task panes in the same docking location, we can set this index to arrange them.
my_script_task_pane.row = 1
# Create an add-in called "MyScript Math Sample", which the task pane will display within.
web_extension = my_script_task_pane.web_extension
# Set application store reference parameters for our add-in, such as the ID.
web_extension.reference.id = 'WA104380646'
web_extension.reference.version = ''
web_extension.reference.store_type = aw.webextensions.WebExtensionStoreType.OMEX
web_extension.reference.store = 'en-US'
web_extension.properties.add(aw.webextensions.WebExtensionProperty('MyScript', 'MyScript Math Sample'))
web_extension.bindings.add(aw.webextensions.WebExtensionBinding('MyScript', aw.webextensions.WebExtensionBindingType.TEXT, '104380646'))
# Allow the user to interact with the add-in.
web_extension.is_frozen = False
# We can access the web extension in Microsoft Word via Developer -> Add-ins.
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.create_web_extension.docx')
# Remove all web extension task panes at once like this.
self.assertEqual(0, doc.web_extension_task_panes.count)

See Also