Bookmark class

Bookmark class

Represents a single bookmark. To learn more, visit the Working with Bookmarks documentation article.


Bookmark is a “facade” object that encapsulates two nodes Bookmark.bookmark_start and Bookmark.bookmark_end in a document tree and allows to work with a bookmark as a single object.


bookmark_endGets the node that represents the end of the bookmark.
bookmark_startGets the node that represents the start of the bookmark.
first_columnGets the zero-based index of the first column of the table column range associated with the bookmark.
is_columnReturns True if this bookmark is a table column bookmark.
last_columnGets the zero-based index of the last column of the table column range associated with the bookmark.
nameGets or sets the name of the bookmark.
textGets or sets the text enclosed in the bookmark.


remove()Removes the bookmark from the document. Does not remove text inside the bookmark.

See Also