parent_node property

Node.parent_node property

Gets the immediate parent of this node.

def parent_node(self) -> aspose.words.CompositeNode:


If a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, the parent is None.


Shows how to access a node’s parent node.

doc = aw.Document()
para = doc.first_section.body.first_paragraph
# Append a child Run node to the document's first paragraph.
run = aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Hello world!')
# The paragraph is the parent node of the run node. We can trace this lineage
# all the way to the document node, which is the root of the document's node tree.
self.assertEqual(para, run.parent_node)
self.assertEqual(doc.first_section.body, para.parent_node)
self.assertEqual(doc.first_section, doc.first_section.body.parent_node)
self.assertEqual(doc, doc.first_section.parent_node)

Shows how to create a node and set its owning document.

doc = aw.Document()
para = aw.Paragraph(doc)
para.append_child(aw.Run(doc=doc, text='Hello world!'))
# We have not yet appended this paragraph as a child to any composite node.
# If a node is an appropriate child node type of another composite node,
# we can attach it as a child only if both nodes have the same owner document.
# The owner document is the document we passed to the node's constructor.
# We have not attached this paragraph to the document, so the document does not contain its text.
self.assertEqual(para.document, doc)
self.assertEqual('', doc.get_text().strip())
# Since the document owns this paragraph, we can apply one of its styles to the paragraph's contents. = doc.styles.get_by_name('Heading 1')
# Add this node to the document, and then verify its contents.
self.assertEqual(doc.first_section.body, para.parent_node)
self.assertEqual('Hello world!', doc.get_text().strip())

See Also