NumberStyle enumeration

NumberStyle enumeration

Specifies the number style for a list, footnotes and endnotes, page numbers.


ARABICArabic numbering (1, 2, 3, …)
UPPERCASE_ROMANUpper case Roman (I, II, III, …)
LOWERCASE_ROMANLower case Roman (i, ii, iii, …)
UPPERCASE_LETTERUpper case Letter (A, B, C, …)
LOWERCASE_LETTERLower case letter (a, b, c, …)
ORDINALOrdinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, …)
NUMBERNumbered (One, Two, Three, …)
ORDINAL_TEXTOrdinal (text) (First, Second, Third, …)
HEXHexadecimal: 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12
CHICAGO_MANUALChicago Manual of Style: *, †, †
KANJI_DIGITJapanese counting
ARABIC_FULL_WIDTHFull-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4
ARABIC_HALF_WIDTHHalf-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4
KANJI_TRADITIONAL2Japanese digital ten thousand
NUMBER_IN_CIRCLEEnclosed circles
DECIMAL_FULL_WIDTHDecimal full width: 1, 2, 3, 4
AIUEOAiueo full width
IROHAIroha full width
LEADING_ZEROLeading Zero (01, 02,…, 09, 10, 11,…, 99, 100, 101,…)
BULLETBullet (check the character code in the text)
GANADAKorean Ganada
CHOSUNGKorea Chosung
GB1Enclosed full stop
GB2Enclosed parenthesis
GB3Enclosed circle Chinese
GB4Ideograph enclosed circle
ZODIAC1Ideograph traditional
ZODIAC2Ideograph Zodiac
ZODIAC3Ideograph Zodiac traditional
TRAD_CHIN_NUM1Taiwanese counting
TRAD_CHIN_NUM2Ideograph legal traditional
TRAD_CHIN_NUM3Taiwanese counting thousand
TRAD_CHIN_NUM4Taiwanese digital
SIMP_CHIN_NUM1Chinese counting
SIMP_CHIN_NUM2Chinese legal simplified
SIMP_CHIN_NUM3Chinese counting thousand
SIMP_CHIN_NUM4Chinese (not implemented)
HANJA_READKorean digital
HANJA_READ_DIGITKorean counting
HANGULKorea legal
HANJAKorea digital2
ARABIC1Arabic alpha
ARABIC2Arabic abjad
HINDI_LETTER1Hindi vowels
HINDI_LETTER2Hindi consonants
HINDI_ARABICHindi numbers
HINDI_CARDINAL_TEXTHindi descriptive (cardinals)
THAI_LETTERThai letters
THAI_ARABICThai numbers
THAI_CARDINAL_TEXTThai descriptive (cardinals)
VIET_CARDINAL_TEXTVietnamese descriptive (cardinals)
NUMBER_IN_DASHPage number format: - 1 -, - 2 -, - 3 -, - 4 -
LOWERCASE_RUSSIANLowercase Russian alphabet
UPPERCASE_RUSSIANUppercase Russian alphabet
NONENo bullet or number.
CUSTOMCustom number format. It is supported by DOCX format only.


Shows how to apply custom list formatting to paragraphs when using DocumentBuilder.

doc = aw.Document()
# A list allows us to organize and decorate sets of paragraphs with prefix symbols and indents.
# We can create nested lists by increasing the indent level.
# We can begin and end a list by using a document builder's "ListFormat" property.
# Each paragraph that we add between a list's start and the end will become an item in the list.
# Create a list from a Microsoft Word template, and customize the first two of its list levels.
list = doc.lists.add(list_template=aw.lists.ListTemplate.NUMBER_DEFAULT)
list_level = list.list_levels[0]
list_level.font.color =
list_level.font.size = 24
list_level.number_style = aw.NumberStyle.ORDINAL_TEXT
list_level.start_at = 21
list_level.number_format = '\x00'
list_level.number_position = -36
list_level.text_position = 144
list_level.tab_position = 144
list_level = list.list_levels[1]
list_level.alignment = aw.lists.ListLevelAlignment.RIGHT
list_level.number_style = aw.NumberStyle.BULLET = 'Wingdings'
list_level.font.color =
list_level.font.size = 24
# This NumberFormat value will create star-shaped bullet list symbols.
list_level.number_format = '\uf0af'
list_level.trailing_character = aw.lists.ListTrailingCharacter.SPACE
list_level.number_position = 144
# Create paragraphs and apply both list levels of our custom list formatting to them.
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
builder.list_format.list = list
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.writeln('jumped over the lazy dog.')
builder.writeln('jumped over the lazy dog.')
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.list_format.remove_numbers() + 'Lists.CreateCustomList.docx')

See Also