NumberStyle enumeration
NumberStyle enumeration
Specifies the number style for a list, footnotes and endnotes, page numbers.
Name | Description |
ARABIC | Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3, …) |
UPPERCASE_ROMAN | Upper case Roman (I, II, III, …) |
LOWERCASE_ROMAN | Lower case Roman (i, ii, iii, …) |
UPPERCASE_LETTER | Upper case Letter (A, B, C, …) |
LOWERCASE_LETTER | Lower case letter (a, b, c, …) |
ORDINAL | Ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, …) |
NUMBER | Numbered (One, Two, Three, …) |
ORDINAL_TEXT | Ordinal (text) (First, Second, Third, …) |
HEX | Hexadecimal: 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12 |
CHICAGO_MANUAL | Chicago Manual of Style: *, †, † |
KANJI | Ideograph-digital |
KANJI_DIGIT | Japanese counting |
ARABIC_FULL_WIDTH | Full-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
ARABIC_HALF_WIDTH | Half-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
KANJI_TRADITIONAL | Japanese legal |
KANJI_TRADITIONAL2 | Japanese digital ten thousand |
NUMBER_IN_CIRCLE | Enclosed circles |
DECIMAL_FULL_WIDTH | Decimal full width: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
AIUEO | Aiueo full width |
IROHA | Iroha full width |
LEADING_ZERO | Leading Zero (01, 02,…, 09, 10, 11,…, 99, 100, 101,…) |
BULLET | Bullet (check the character code in the text) |
GANADA | Korean Ganada |
CHOSUNG | Korea Chosung |
GB1 | Enclosed full stop |
GB2 | Enclosed parenthesis |
GB3 | Enclosed circle Chinese |
GB4 | Ideograph enclosed circle |
ZODIAC1 | Ideograph traditional |
ZODIAC2 | Ideograph Zodiac |
ZODIAC3 | Ideograph Zodiac traditional |
TRAD_CHIN_NUM1 | Taiwanese counting |
TRAD_CHIN_NUM2 | Ideograph legal traditional |
TRAD_CHIN_NUM3 | Taiwanese counting thousand |
TRAD_CHIN_NUM4 | Taiwanese digital |
SIMP_CHIN_NUM1 | Chinese counting |
SIMP_CHIN_NUM2 | Chinese legal simplified |
SIMP_CHIN_NUM3 | Chinese counting thousand |
SIMP_CHIN_NUM4 | Chinese (not implemented) |
HANJA_READ | Korean digital |
HANJA_READ_DIGIT | Korean counting |
HANGUL | Korea legal |
HANJA | Korea digital2 |
HEBREW1 | Hebrew-1 |
ARABIC1 | Arabic alpha |
HEBREW2 | Hebrew-2 |
ARABIC2 | Arabic abjad |
HINDI_LETTER1 | Hindi vowels |
HINDI_LETTER2 | Hindi consonants |
HINDI_ARABIC | Hindi numbers |
HINDI_CARDINAL_TEXT | Hindi descriptive (cardinals) |
THAI_LETTER | Thai letters |
THAI_ARABIC | Thai numbers |
THAI_CARDINAL_TEXT | Thai descriptive (cardinals) |
VIET_CARDINAL_TEXT | Vietnamese descriptive (cardinals) |
NUMBER_IN_DASH | Page number format: - 1 -, - 2 -, - 3 -, - 4 - |
LOWERCASE_RUSSIAN | Lowercase Russian alphabet |
UPPERCASE_RUSSIAN | Uppercase Russian alphabet |
NONE | No bullet or number. |
CUSTOM | Custom number format. It is supported by DOCX format only. |
Shows how to apply custom list formatting to paragraphs when using DocumentBuilder.
doc = aw.Document()
# A list allows us to organize and decorate sets of paragraphs with prefix symbols and indents.
# We can create nested lists by increasing the indent level.
# We can begin and end a list by using a document builder's "ListFormat" property.
# Each paragraph that we add between a list's start and the end will become an item in the list.
# Create a list from a Microsoft Word template, and customize the first two of its list levels.
list = doc.lists.add(list_template=aw.lists.ListTemplate.NUMBER_DEFAULT)
list_level = list.list_levels[0]
list_level.font.color =
list_level.font.size = 24
list_level.number_style = aw.NumberStyle.ORDINAL_TEXT
list_level.start_at = 21
list_level.number_format = '\x00'
list_level.number_position = -36
list_level.text_position = 144
list_level.tab_position = 144
list_level = list.list_levels[1]
list_level.alignment = aw.lists.ListLevelAlignment.RIGHT
list_level.number_style = aw.NumberStyle.BULLET = 'Wingdings'
list_level.font.color =
list_level.font.size = 24
# This NumberFormat value will create star-shaped bullet list symbols.
list_level.number_format = '\uf0af'
list_level.trailing_character = aw.lists.ListTrailingCharacter.SPACE
list_level.number_position = 144
# Create paragraphs and apply both list levels of our custom list formatting to them.
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
builder.list_format.list = list
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.writeln('jumped over the lazy dog.')
builder.writeln('jumped over the lazy dog.')
builder.writeln('The quick brown fox...')
builder.list_format.remove_numbers() + 'Lists.CreateCustomList.docx')
See Also
- module aspose.words