ParagraphCollection class

ParagraphCollection class

Provides typed access to a collection of Paragraph nodes. To learn more, visit the Working with Paragraphs documentation article.

Inheritance: ParagraphCollectionNodeCollection


__getitem__(index)Retrieves a Paragraph at the given index.


countGets the number of nodes in the collection.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)


add(node)Adds a node to the end of the collection.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
clear()Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
contains(node)Determines whether a node is in the collection.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
index_of(node)Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
insert(index, node)Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
remove(node)Removes the node from the collection and from the document.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
remove_at(index)Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document.
(Inherited from NodeCollection)
to_array()Copies all paragraphs from the collection to a new array of paragraphs.


Shows how to check whether a paragraph is a move revision.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Revisions.docx')
# This document contains "Move" revisions, which appear when we highlight text with the cursor,
# and then drag it to move it to another location
# while tracking revisions in Microsoft Word via "Review" -> "Track changes".
self.assertEqual(6, len([r for r in doc.revisions if r.revision_type == aw.RevisionType.MOVING]))
paragraphs = doc.first_section.body.paragraphs
# Move revisions consist of pairs of "Move from", and "Move to" revisions.
# These revisions are potential changes to the document that we can either accept or reject.
# Before we accept/reject a move revision, the document
# must keep track of both the departure and arrival destinations of the text.
# The second and the fourth paragraph define one such revision, and thus both have the same contents.
self.assertEqual(paragraphs[1].get_text(), paragraphs[3].get_text())
# The "Move from" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text from.
# If we accept the revision, this paragraph will disappear,
# and the other will remain and no longer be a revision.
# The "Move to" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text to.
# If we reject the revision, this paragraph instead will disappear, and the other will remain.

See Also