MultiPageOptions class

MultiPageOptions class

Base class for multiple pages supported formats

The MultiPageOptions type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.
initInitializes a new instance of the MultiPageOptions class.


pagesGets or sets the pages.
page_titlesGets or sets the page titles.
export_areaGets or sets the export area.
modeGets or sets the mode.
output_layers_namesGets or sets the output layers names(Works if export format supports layers naming, for example for Psd)
merge_layersGets or sets a value indicating whether [merege layers].


init_pagesInitializes the pages from ranges array

See Also