Aspose::Cells::Timelines::Timeline class

Timeline class

Summary description of Timeline View Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline.

class Timeline


GetCaption()Returns or sets the caption of the specified Timeline.
GetHeightPixel()Returns or sets the height of the specified timeline, in pixels.
GetLeftPixel()Returns or sets the horizontal offset of timeline shape from its left column, in pixels.
GetName()Returns or sets the name of the specified Timeline.
GetTopPixel()Returns or sets the vertical offset of timeline shape from its top row, in pixels.
GetWidthPixel()Returns or sets the width of the specified timeline, in pixels.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const Timeline& src)operator=
SetCaption(const U16String& value)Returns or sets the caption of the specified Timeline.
SetCaption(const char16_t* value)Returns or sets the caption of the specified Timeline.
SetHeightPixel(int32_t value)Returns or sets the height of the specified timeline, in pixels.
SetLeftPixel(int32_t value)Returns or sets the horizontal offset of timeline shape from its left column, in pixels.
SetName(const U16String& value)Returns or sets the name of the specified Timeline.
SetName(const char16_t* value)Returns or sets the name of the specified Timeline.
SetTopPixel(int32_t value)Returns or sets the vertical offset of timeline shape from its top row, in pixels.
SetWidthPixel(int32_t value)Returns or sets the width of the specified timeline, in pixels.
Timeline(Timeline_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
Timeline(const Timeline& src)Copy constructor.


_implThe implementation object.


Workbook book;
Worksheet sheet = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Cells cells = sheet.GetCells();
cells.Get(0, 0).PutValue(u"fruit");
cells.Get(1, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(2, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(3, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(4, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");

//Create date style
Style dateStyle = CellsFactory().CreateStyle();
cells.Get(0, 1).PutValue(u"date");
cells.Get(1, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2021, 2, 5 });
cells.Get(2, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2022, 3, 8 });
cells.Get(3, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2023, 4, 10 });
cells.Get(4, 1).PutValue(Date{ 2024, 5, 16 });
//Set date style
cells.Get(1, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(2, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(3, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);
cells.Get(4, 1).SetStyle(dateStyle);

cells.Get(0, 2).PutValue(u"amount");
cells.Get(1, 2).PutValue(50);
cells.Get(2, 2).PutValue(60);
cells.Get(3, 2).PutValue(70);
cells.Get(4, 2).PutValue(80);

PivotTableCollection pivots = sheet.GetPivotTables();
//Add a PivotTable
int pivotIndex = pivots.Add(u"=Sheet1!A1:C5", u"A12", u"TestPivotTable");
PivotTable pivot = pivots.Get(pivotIndex);
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Row, u"fruit");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Column, u"date");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Data, u"amount");

//Refresh PivotTable data

//Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
sheet.GetTimelines().Add(pivot, 10, 5, u"date");

//Get Timeline object
Timeline timelineObj = sheet.GetTimelines().Get(0);


See Also