Title class

Title class

Encapsulates the object that represents the title of chart or axis.

Inheritance: TitleChartTextFrameChartFrame

The Title type exposes the following members:


is_inner_modeIndicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels.
False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
borderGets the Line.
areaGets the ChartFrame.area.
text_fontGets a ChartFrame.font object of the specified ChartFrame object.
text_optionsGets and sets the options of the text.
fontGets a ChartFrame.font object of the specified ChartFrame object.
auto_scale_fontTrue if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
background_modeGets and sets the display mode of the background
backgroundGets and sets the display mode of the background
is_automatic_sizeIndicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
xGets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
yGets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
heightGets or sets the height of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
widthGets or sets the width of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
shadowTrue if the frame has a shadow.
shape_propertiesGets the ChartFrame.shape_properties object.
is_default_pos_be_setIndicates whether default position(DefaultX, DefaultY, DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight) are set.
default_xRepresents x of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
default_yRepresents y of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
default_widthRepresents width of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
default_heightRepresents height of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
default_x_ratio_to_chartRepresents x of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
default_y_ratio_to_chartRepresents y of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
default_width_ratio_to_chartRepresents width of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
default_height_ratio_to_chartRepresents height of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
x_ratio_to_chartGets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Fraction of the chart area.
X In Pixels = XRatioToChart * Chart.ChartObject.Width;
y_ratio_to_chartGets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Fraction of the chart area.
Y In Pixels = YRatioToChart * Chart.ChartObject.Width;
width_ratio_to_chartGets or sets the width of frame in units of ratio of the chart area.
height_ratio_to_chartGets or sets the height of frame in units of ratio of the chart area.
x_pixelGets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
y_pixelGets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
width_pixelGets or sets the width of frame in units of Pixel.
height_pixelGets or sets the height of frame in units of Pixel.
is_auto_textIndicates the text is auto generated.
is_deletedIndicates whether this data labels is deleted.
text_horizontal_alignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment.
text_vertical_alignmentGets or sets the text vertical alignment of text.
rotation_angleRepresents text rotation angle.
is_automatic_rotationIndicates whether the text of the chart is automatically rotated.
textGets or sets the text of display unit label.
linked_sourceGets and sets a reference to the worksheet.
text_directionRepresents text reading order.
reading_orderRepresents text reading order.
direction_typeGets and sets the direction of text.
is_text_wrappedGets or sets a value indicating whether the text is wrapped.
is_resize_shape_to_fit_textGets or sets whether a shape should be auto-fit to fully contain the text described within it. Auto-fitting is
when text within a shape is scaled in order to contain all the text inside.
is_visibleRepresents whether the title is visible.
over_layRepresents overlay centered title on chart without resizing chart.


characters(self)Gets rich text formatting of this Title.
characters(self, start_index, length)Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text.
set_position_auto(self)Set position of the frame to automatic


from aspose.cells import Workbook
from aspose.cells.charts import ChartType
from aspose.pydrawing import Color

workbook = Workbook()
sheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
cells = sheet.cells
cells.get(0, 1).put_value("Income")
cells.get(1, 0).put_value("Company A")
cells.get(2, 0).put_value("Company B")
cells.get(3, 0).put_value("Company C")
cells.get(1, 1).put_value(10000)
cells.get(2, 1).put_value(20000)
cells.get(3, 1).put_value(30000)
chartIndex = sheet.charts.add(ChartType.COLUMN, 9, 9, 21, 15)
chart = sheet.charts[chartIndex]
# Setting the title of a chart
chart.title.text = "Title"
# Setting the font color of the chart title to blue
chart.title.font.color = Color.blue
# Setting the title of category axis of the chart
chart.category_axis.title.text = "Category"
# Setting the title of value axis of the chart
chart.value_axis.title.text = "Value"

See Also