ShapePropertyCollection class

ShapePropertyCollection class

This class specifies the visual shape properties for a chart element or shape.

The ShapePropertyCollection type exposes the following members:


glow_effectRepresents a ShapePropertyCollection.glow_effect object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape.
format_3dRepresents a ShapePropertyCollection.format_3d object that specifies 3D shape properties for the chart element or shape.
soft_edge_radiusGets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points.
shadow_effectRepresents a ShapePropertyCollection.shadow_effect object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.


clear_glow_effect(self)Clears the glow effect of the shape.
has_glow_effect(self)Indicates if the shape has glow effect data.
has_format_3d(self)Indicates if the shape has 3d format data.
clear_format_3d(self)Clears the 3D shape properties of the shape.
clear_shadow_effect(self)Clears the shadow effect of the chart element or shape.
has_shadow_effect(self)Indicates if the shape has shadow effect data.

See Also