freeze_panes method

freeze_panes(self, cell_name, freezed_rows, freezed_columns)

Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.

def freeze_panes(self, cell_name, freezed_rows, freezed_columns):
cell_namestrCell name.
freezed_rowsintNumber of visible rows in top pane, no more than row index.
freezed_columnsintNumber of visible columns in left pane, no more than column index.


Row index and column index cannot all be zero. Number of rows and number of columns also cannot all be zero.

freeze_panes(self, row, column, freezed_rows, freezed_columns)

Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.

def freeze_panes(self, row, column, freezed_rows, freezed_columns):
rowintRow index.
columnintColumn index.
freezed_rowsintNumber of visible rows in top pane, no more than row index.
freezed_columnsintNumber of visible columns in left pane, no more than column index.


Row index and column index cannot all be zero. Number of rows and number of columns also cannot all be zero.

The first two parameters specify the froze position and the last two parameters specify the area frozen on the left top pane.

See Also