GridJsWorkbook class

GridJsWorkbook class

Represents the main entry class for GridJs

The GridJsWorkbook type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of GridJsWorkbook


settingsRepresents the workbook settings.
cache_impCustom implemention for cache storage,If you want to store cache in stream way ,you need to set and implement it.
calculate_engineCustom implemention for calculation engine ,If you want to do custom calculation, you need to set and implement it.


import_excel_fileImports the excel file from file path and open password.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from the file path.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from the file path.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from file stream.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.
import_excel_fileImports the excel file from file stream with load format.
export_to_jsonGets JSON format string from memory data with the specified filename.
export_to_jsonGets JSON format string of the default empty spreadsheet file.
save_to_excel_fileSaves the memory data to the sream, baseed on the origin file format.
save_to_excel_fileSaves the memory data to the file path,if the file has extension ,save format is baseed on the file extension .
save_to_pdfSaves the memory data to the file path,the save format is pdf.
save_to_pdfSaves the memory data to the sream,the save format is pdf.
save_to_xlsxSaves the memory data to the file path,the save format is xlsx.
save_to_xlsxSaves the memory data to the sream,the save format is xlsx.
save_to_htmlSaves the memory data to the file path,the save format is html.
save_to_htmlSaves the memory data to the sream,the save format is html
get_json_str_by_uidGets the JSON format string from the file cache by the specified unique id.
get_uid_for_fileGets unique id for the file cache.
import_excel_file_from_jsonImports the excel file from JSON format string.
merge_excel_file_from_jsonApplies a batch update to the memory data.
save_to_cache_with_file_nameSaves the memory data to the cache file with the specified filename and also set the open password, the save format is baseed on the file extension of the filename .
get_image_streamGet Stream of image from memory data.
get_oleGets the byte array data of the embedded ole object .
update_cellApplies the update operation.
insert_imageInserts image in the worksheet from file stream or the URL,(either the file stream or the URL shall be provided)
or /cells/
Inserts sh/cells/n the p.type is one of AutoShapeType
copy_image_or_shapeCopys image or shape.
error_jsonGets the error message string in JSON format.
get_grid_load_formatGets the load format by file extension
get_image_urlGets the image URL.

See Also