
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ThreeDFormat

Represents a shape’s three-dimensional formatting.


Method Description
equals(Object obj)
getBevelBottomHeight() Specifies the height of the bottom bevel on a 3D shape.
getBevelBottomType() Specifies the preset bevel type for the bottom bevel on a 3D shape
getBevelBottomWidth() Specifies the width of the bottom bevel on a 3D shape.
getBevelContourColor() Specifies the color of the outline on a 3D shape
getBevelContourSize() Specifies the thickness of the outline on a 3D shape
getBevelDepthColor() Specifies the extrusion color on a 3D shape
getBevelDepthSize() Specifies the extrusion depth on a 3D shape
getBevelLightingAngle() Specifies the direction for lighting on a 3D shape.
getBevelLightingType() Specifies the preset type of lighting on a 3D shape
getBevelMaterialType() Specifies the preset surface appearance on a 3D shape
getBevelTopHeight() Specifies the height of the top bevel on a 3D shape
getBevelTopType() Specifies the preset bevel type for the top bevel on a 3D shape
getBevelTopWidth() Specifies the width of the top bevel on a 3D shape.
getDistanceFromGround() Specifies the distance that a shape with 3D rotation properties
getKeepTextFlat() Specifies whether 3D rotation properties apply to the text of a shape
getPerspective() Specifies the angle of view for a shape with 3D rotation properties
getRotationType() Specifies the type of projection of the effect properties of a shape.
getRotationXAngle() Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the y-axis.
getRotationYAngle() Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the x-axis
getRotationZAngle() Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the z-axis.
setBevelBottomHeight(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomHeight()
setBevelBottomType(BevelType value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomType()
setBevelBottomWidth(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomWidth()
setBevelContourColor(ColorValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelContourColor()
setBevelContourSize(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelContourSize()
setBevelDepthColor(ColorValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelDepthColor()
setBevelDepthSize(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelDepthSize()
setBevelLightingAngle(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelLightingAngle()
setBevelLightingType(BevelLightingType value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelLightingType()
setBevelMaterialType(BevelMaterialType value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelMaterialType()
setBevelTopHeight(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopHeight()
setBevelTopType(BevelType value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopType()
setBevelTopWidth(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopWidth()
setDistanceFromGround(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getDistanceFromGround()
setKeepTextFlat(BoolValue value) For the description of this property, please see getKeepTextFlat()
setPerspective(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getPerspective()
setRotationType(RotationType value) For the description of this property, please see getRotationType()
setRotationXAngle(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getRotationXAngle()
setRotationYAngle(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getRotationYAngle()
setRotationZAngle(DoubleValue value) For the description of this property, please see getRotationZAngle()
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)


Parameter Type Description
obj java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean -


public DoubleValue getBevelBottomHeight()

Specifies the height of the bottom bevel on a 3D shape.

Returns: DoubleValue


public BevelType getBevelBottomType()

Specifies the preset bevel type for the bottom bevel on a 3D shape

Returns: BevelType


public DoubleValue getBevelBottomWidth()

Specifies the width of the bottom bevel on a 3D shape.

Returns: DoubleValue


public ColorValue getBevelContourColor()

Specifies the color of the outline on a 3D shape

Returns: ColorValue


public DoubleValue getBevelContourSize()

Specifies the thickness of the outline on a 3D shape

Returns: DoubleValue


public ColorValue getBevelDepthColor()

Specifies the extrusion color on a 3D shape

Returns: ColorValue


public DoubleValue getBevelDepthSize()

Specifies the extrusion depth on a 3D shape

Returns: DoubleValue


public DoubleValue getBevelLightingAngle()

Specifies the direction for lighting on a 3D shape.

Returns: DoubleValue


public BevelLightingType getBevelLightingType()

Specifies the preset type of lighting on a 3D shape

Returns: BevelLightingType


public BevelMaterialType getBevelMaterialType()

Specifies the preset surface appearance on a 3D shape

Returns: BevelMaterialType


public DoubleValue getBevelTopHeight()

Specifies the height of the top bevel on a 3D shape

Returns: DoubleValue


public BevelType getBevelTopType()

Specifies the preset bevel type for the top bevel on a 3D shape

Returns: BevelType


public DoubleValue getBevelTopWidth()

Specifies the width of the top bevel on a 3D shape.

Returns: DoubleValue


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public DoubleValue getDistanceFromGround()

Specifies the distance that a shape with 3D rotation properties

Returns: DoubleValue


public BoolValue getKeepTextFlat()

Specifies whether 3D rotation properties apply to the text of a shape

Returns: BoolValue


public DoubleValue getPerspective()

Specifies the angle of view for a shape with 3D rotation properties

Returns: DoubleValue


public RotationType getRotationType()

Specifies the type of projection of the effect properties of a shape.

Returns: RotationType


public DoubleValue getRotationXAngle()

Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the y-axis.

Returns: DoubleValue


public DoubleValue getRotationYAngle()

Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the x-axis

Returns: DoubleValue


public DoubleValue getRotationZAngle()

Specifies the counterclockwise rotation angle of a shape around the z-axis.

Returns: DoubleValue


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()

setBevelBottomHeight(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelBottomHeight(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomHeight()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelBottomType(BevelType value)

public void setBevelBottomType(BevelType value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomType()


Parameter Type Description
value BevelType

setBevelBottomWidth(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelBottomWidth(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelBottomWidth()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelContourColor(ColorValue value)

public void setBevelContourColor(ColorValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelContourColor()


Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue

setBevelContourSize(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelContourSize(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelContourSize()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelDepthColor(ColorValue value)

public void setBevelDepthColor(ColorValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelDepthColor()


Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue

setBevelDepthSize(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelDepthSize(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelDepthSize()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelLightingAngle(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelLightingAngle(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelLightingAngle()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelLightingType(BevelLightingType value)

public void setBevelLightingType(BevelLightingType value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelLightingType()


Parameter Type Description
value BevelLightingType

setBevelMaterialType(BevelMaterialType value)

public void setBevelMaterialType(BevelMaterialType value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelMaterialType()


Parameter Type Description
value BevelMaterialType

setBevelTopHeight(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelTopHeight(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopHeight()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setBevelTopType(BevelType value)

public void setBevelTopType(BevelType value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopType()


Parameter Type Description
value BevelType

setBevelTopWidth(DoubleValue value)

public void setBevelTopWidth(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getBevelTopWidth()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setDistanceFromGround(DoubleValue value)

public void setDistanceFromGround(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getDistanceFromGround()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setKeepTextFlat(BoolValue value)

public void setKeepTextFlat(BoolValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getKeepTextFlat()


Parameter Type Description
value BoolValue

setPerspective(DoubleValue value)

public void setPerspective(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getPerspective()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setRotationType(RotationType value)

public void setRotationType(RotationType value)

For the description of this property, please see getRotationType()


Parameter Type Description
value RotationType

setRotationXAngle(DoubleValue value)

public void setRotationXAngle(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getRotationXAngle()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setRotationYAngle(DoubleValue value)

public void setRotationYAngle(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getRotationYAngle()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue

setRotationZAngle(DoubleValue value)

public void setRotationZAngle(DoubleValue value)

For the description of this property, please see getRotationZAngle()


Parameter Type Description
value DoubleValue


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int