
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class Encoding

Represents a character encoding.


Constructor Description


Method Description
equals(Encoding other) Determines whether the specified Encoding object is equal to the current instance.
equals(Object o) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current instance.
getASCII() Gets an encoding for the ASCII (7-bit) character set.
getBigEndianUnicode() Gets an encoding for the UTF-16 format using the big endian byte order.
getDefault() Gets an encoding for the operating system’s current ANSI code page.
getEncoding(int codePage) Returns the encoding associated with the specified code page identifier.
getEncoding(String charsetName) Returns an encoding associated with the specified charset name.
getEncoding(Charset charset) Returns an encoding associated with the specified charset object.
getUTF7() Gets an encoding for the UTF-7 format.
getUTF8() Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format.
getUTF8NoBOM() Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format without the UTF-8 identifier.
getUnicode() Gets an encoding for the UTF-16 format using the little endian byte order.
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public Encoding()

equals(Encoding other)

public boolean equals(Encoding other)

Determines whether the specified Encoding object is equal to the current instance.


Parameter Type Description
other Encoding The Encoding object to compare with the current instance.

Returns: boolean - true if value is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false.

equals(Object o)

public boolean equals(Object o)

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current instance.


Parameter Type Description
o java.lang.Object The Object to compare with the current instance.

Returns: boolean - true if value is an instance of Encoding and is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false.


public static Encoding getASCII()

Gets an encoding for the ASCII (7-bit) character set.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the ASCII (7-bit) character set.


public static Encoding getBigEndianUnicode()

Gets an encoding for the UTF-16 format using the big endian byte order.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the UTF-16 format using the big endian byte


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public static Encoding getDefault()

Gets an encoding for the operating system’s current ANSI code page.

Returns: Encoding - An encoding for the operating system’s current ANSI code page.

getEncoding(int codePage)

public static Encoding getEncoding(int codePage)

Returns the encoding associated with the specified code page identifier.


Parameter Type Description
codePage int The code page identifier of the preferred encoding. -or- 0, to use the default encoding.

Returns: Encoding - The Encoding object associated with the specified code page.

getEncoding(String charsetName)

public static Encoding getEncoding(String charsetName)

Returns an encoding associated with the specified charset name.


Parameter Type Description
charsetName java.lang.String specified charset name

Returns: Encoding - The Encoding object associated with the specified charset name.

getEncoding(Charset charset)

public static Encoding getEncoding(Charset charset)

Returns an encoding associated with the specified charset object.


Parameter Type Description
charset java.nio.charset.Charset specified charset object

Returns: Encoding - The Encoding object associated with the specified charset object.


public static Encoding getUTF7()

Gets an encoding for the UTF-7 format.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the UTF-7 format.


public static Encoding getUTF8()

Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the UTF-8 format.


public static Encoding getUTF8NoBOM()

Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format without the UTF-8 identifier.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the UTF-8 format without UTF-8 identifier.


public static Encoding getUnicode()

Gets an encoding for the UTF-16 format using the little endian byte order.

Returns: Encoding - A Encoding object for the UTF-16 format using the little endian byte


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int