
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class Shape

Contains elements that define a shape in a Master, Page, or group shape element.


Constructor Description
Shape() Constructor.


Method Description
bringForward() Brings the shape forward one position in the z-order.
bringToFront() Brings the shape to the front of the z-order.
centerDrawing() Center the shape with respect to the extent of the page
connectedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter) Returns an array that contains the identifiers (IDs) of the shapes that are connected to the shape.
copy(Shape source)
dependsOnShapes() Returns an array that contains the identifiers of the shapes that are depends on a shape.
equals(Object arg0)
getActiveXControl() Gets the ActiveX control.
getActs() Contains a collection of Act elements.
getAlign() Indicates the alignment of a shape with respect to the guide or guide point to which the shape is glued.
getChars() Contains a collection of Char elements.
getConnectionABCDs() Contains a collection of ConnectionABCD elements.
getConnections() Contains a collection of Connection elements.
getConnectorRule() Returns a connectorRule that contains the shape id and connecton that are connected to the shape.
getConnectorsType() Get Connectors type
getControlData() Gets the data of control.
getControls() Contains a collection of Control elements.
getData1() Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.
getData2() Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.
getData3() Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.
getDel() A flag indicating whether the element is deleted locally.
getDiagram() Root element of Visio objects hierarchy.
getDisplayText() Get the text displayed on the interface
getEvent() Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.
getFields() Contains a collection of Field elements.
getFill() Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.
getFillStyle() StyleSheet from which this shape inherits fill formatting.
getForeign() Contains elements specifying the width and height of an object from another program used in a Microsoft Visio document.
getForeignData() Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded BLOB of picture data, such as Windows metafile, bitmap, or OLE data.
getGeoms() Contains a collection of Geom elements.
getGroup() Contains elements that control how you add shapes to a group, move members of a group, and select groups.
getHelp() Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.
getHyperlinks() Contains a collection of Hyperlink elements.
getID() The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
getImage() Contains the gamma, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, denoise, and transparency values for a bitmap.
getInheritChars() Contains the char values for the shape inherit by the master shape.
getInheritFill() Contains the fill formatting values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.
getInheritGeoms() Contains the Geoms values for the shape inherit by the master shape.
getInheritLine() Contains the line formatting values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.
getInheritParas() Contains the paras for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.
getInheritProps() Contains the props for the shape inherit by the master shape.
getInheritTextBlock() Contains the textblock values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.
getInheritUsers() Contains the users for the shape inherit by the master shape.
getLayerMem() Contains the LayerMember element, which specifies each layer to which the shape is assigned.
getLayout() Contains elements that control shape placement and connector routing settings.
getLine() Contains elements that control line attributes for a shape, such as pattern, weight, and color.
getLineStyle() StyleSheet from which this shape inherits line formatting
getMaster() The Master from which the shape inherits its data.
getMasterShape() This attribute may only be present in shapes that are members of a group shape, and the group is an instance of a master.
getMisc() Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.
getName() The name of the element.
getNameU() The universal name of the element.
getOneD() Determines whether the shape behaves as a one-dimensional (1-D) object.
getPage() Root element of Visio objects hierarchy.
getParas() Contains a collection of Para elements.
getParentShape() Shape’s parent.
getProps() Contains a collection of Prop elements.
getProtection() Locking helps prevent inadvertent changes to the shape but does not prevent Microsoft Visio from resetting values in other circumstances.
getPureText() Get the text string
getRootShape() Returns the top-level shape of an instance if this shape is part of a master instance.
getScratchs() Contains a collection of Scratch elements.
getShapes() Contains a collection of Shape elements.
getSmartTagDefs() Contains a collection of SmartTagDef elements.
getTabsCollection() Contains a collection of Tab elements.
getText() Contains the text of a shape.
getTextBlock() Contains elements that specify the alignment, margins, and default tab stop positions of text in a shape’s text block.
getTextStyle() StyleSheet from which this shape inherits text formatting.
getTextXForm() Contains elements that specify positioning information about a shape’s text block.
getThreeDFormat() Gets the ThreeDFormat.
getTwoD() Determines whether the shape behaves as a two-dimensional (2-D) object.
getType() The type of a shape.
getUniqueID() A GUID (globally unique identifier) assigned to the shape.
getUsers() Contains a collection of User elements.
getXForm() Contains elements specifying general positioning information about a shape.
getXForm1D() Contains x- and y-coordinates of the begin point and end point of a 1-D shape.
getZOrderIndex() Returns the index of a shape in the z-order except the guide shape.
gluedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter, Shape otherShape) Returns an array that contains the identifiers of the shapes that are glued to a shape.
isConnected(Shape shape) Indicates whether this two shapes are connected.
isContain(Shape shape) Indicates whether this shape is contain another shape.
isGlued(Shape shape) Indicates whether this two shapes are glued.
isInGroup() Indicates whether this shape is in a group shape.
isIntersect(Shape shape) Indicates whether this shape is intersect another shape.
isTextEmpty() Indicate the shape has text and the text is empty or not.
move(double dX, double dY) Moves shape on the dX and dY inches from current position.
moveTo(double newPinX, double newPinY) Moves shape on new absolute position on the page.
refreshData() Refreshes shape’s position including xform ,connection and geom when changing shape’s text or other’s .
replaceText(String text, String replaceText) Replace the text string of a shape .
sendBackward() Moves the shape back one position in the z-order.
sendToBack() Moves the shape to the back of the z-order.
setAngle(double angle) Sets new angle of shape.
setClippingPath(String value) For the description of this property, please see getClippingPath()
setConnectorsType(int type) Set Connectors type
setData1(String value) For the description of this property, please see getData1()
setData2(String value) For the description of this property, please see getData2()
setData3(String value) For the description of this property, please see getData3()
setDel(int value) For the description of this property, please see getDel()
setDiagram(Diagram value) For the description of this property, please see getDiagram()
setEvent(Event value) For the description of this property, please see getEvent()
setFillStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getFillStyle()
setHeight(double height) Sets new height of shape.
setID(long value) For the description of this property, please see getID()
setLineStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getLineStyle()
setMaster(Master value) For the description of this property, please see getMaster()
setMasterShape(Shape value) For the description of this property, please see getMasterShape()
setName(String value) For the description of this property, please see getName()
setNameU(String value) For the description of this property, please see getNameU()
setPage(Page value) For the description of this property, please see getPage()
setParentShape(Shape value) For the description of this property, please see getParentShape()
setPresetTheme(int value) Apply a preset theme to this shape
setPresetThemeQuickStyle(int value) Apply a preset theme variant quickstyle to this shape
setPresetThemeStyleMatrics(int styleIndex, int colorIndex) pply a preset theme variant quickstyle to this shape, like theme styles options in shape styles dropdown list
setPresetThemeVariant(int value) Apply a preset theme variant to this shape
setProps(PropCollection value) For the description of this property, please see getProps()
setText(Text value) For the description of this property, please see getText()
setTextStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getTextStyle()
setTwoD(boolean value) For the description of this property, please see getTwoD()
setType(int value) For the description of this property, please see getType()
setUniqueID(UUID value) For the description of this property, please see getUniqueID()
setWidth(double width) Sets new width of shape.
setXForm(XForm value) For the description of this property, please see getXForm()
setXForm1D(XForm1D value) For the description of this property, please see getXForm1D()
toHTML(InputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options) Creates the shape html and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
toHTML(OutputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options) Creates the shape html and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
toHTML(String fileName, HTMLSaveOptions options) Creates the html and saves it to a file.
toImage(InputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options) Creates the shape image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
toImage(OutputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options) Creates the shape image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
toImage(String imageFile, ImageSaveOptions options) Creates the shape image and saves it to a file.
toPdf(InputStream stream) Creates the shape pdf and saves it to a stream.
toPdf(OutputStream stream) Creates the shape pdf and saves it to a stream.
toPdf(String fileName) Saves the shape to a pdf file.
toSvg(String imageFile, SVGSaveOptions options) Saves the shape to a svg file.
ungroup() Ungroup Shape
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public Shape()



public void bringForward()

Brings the shape forward one position in the z-order.


public void bringToFront()

Brings the shape to the front of the z-order.


public void centerDrawing()

Center the shape with respect to the extent of the page

connectedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter)

public long[] connectedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter)

Returns an array that contains the identifiers (IDs) of the shapes that are connected to the shape.


Parameter Type Description
flag int Filters the array of returned shape IDs by the directionality of the connectors. See Remarks for possible valuesAspose.Diagram.ConnectedShapesFlags.
categoryFilter java.lang.String Filters the array of returned shape IDs by limiting it to the IDs of shapes that match the specified categoryString.

Returns: long[] - IDs arraylong.

copy(Shape source)

public void copy(Shape source)


Parameter Type Description
source Shape


public long[] dependsOnShapes()

Returns an array that contains the identifiers of the shapes that are depends on a shape.

Returns: long[] - IDs arraylong.

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean


public ActiveXControl getActiveXControl()

Gets the ActiveX control.

Returns: ActiveXControl


public ActCollection getActs()

Contains a collection of Act elements.

Returns: ActCollection


public Align getAlign()

Indicates the alignment of a shape with respect to the guide or guide point to which the shape is glued. The Align element appears only for shapes that are glued to guides or guide points.

Returns: Align


public CharCollection getChars()

Contains a collection of Char elements.

Returns: CharCollection


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public String getClippingPath()

Returns: java.lang.String


public ConnectionABCDCollection getConnectionABCDs()

Contains a collection of ConnectionABCD elements.

Returns: ConnectionABCDCollection


public ConnectionCollection getConnections()

Contains a collection of Connection elements.

Returns: ConnectionCollection


public ConnectorRule getConnectorRule()

Returns a connectorRule that contains the shape id and connecton that are connected to the shape.

Returns: ConnectorRule - ConnectorRule.


public int getConnectorsType()

Get Connectors type

Returns: int


public byte[] getControlData()

Gets the data of control.

Returns: byte[]


public ControlCollection getControls()

Contains a collection of Control elements.

Returns: ControlCollection


public String getData1()

Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.

Returns: java.lang.String


public String getData2()

Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.

Returns: java.lang.String


public String getData3()

Contains an arbitrary string value that is used to supply additional information about a shape.

Returns: java.lang.String


public int getDel()

A flag indicating whether the element is deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element is deleted locally.

Returns: int


public Diagram getDiagram()

Root element of Visio objects hierarchy.

Returns: Diagram


public String getDisplayText()

Get the text displayed on the interface

Returns: java.lang.String


public Event getEvent()

Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.

Returns: Event


public FieldCollection getFields()

Contains a collection of Field elements.

Returns: FieldCollection


public Fill getFill()

Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.

Returns: Fill


public StyleSheet getFillStyle()

StyleSheet from which this shape inherits fill formatting.

Returns: StyleSheet


public Foreign getForeign()

Contains elements specifying the width and height of an object from another program used in a Microsoft Visio document. Also includes elements specifying the distance the object’s image is offset within its borders.

Returns: Foreign


public ForeignData getForeignData()

Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded BLOB of picture data, such as Windows metafile, bitmap, or OLE data.

Returns: ForeignData


public GeomCollection getGeoms()

Contains a collection of Geom elements.

Returns: GeomCollection


public Group getGroup()

Contains elements that control how you add shapes to a group, move members of a group, and select groups.

Returns: Group


public Help getHelp()

Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.

Returns: Help

public HyperlinkCollection getHyperlinks()

Contains a collection of Hyperlink elements.

Returns: HyperlinkCollection


public long getID()

The unique ID of the element within its parent element.

Returns: long


public Image getImage()

Contains the gamma, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, denoise, and transparency values for a bitmap.

Returns: Image


public CharCollection getInheritChars()

Contains the char values for the shape inherit by the master shape.

Returns: CharCollection


public Fill getInheritFill()

Contains the fill formatting values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.

Returns: Fill


public GeomCollection getInheritGeoms()

Contains the Geoms values for the shape inherit by the master shape.

Returns: GeomCollection


public Line getInheritLine()

Contains the line formatting values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.

Returns: Line


public ParaCollection getInheritParas()

Contains the paras for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.

Returns: ParaCollection


public PropCollection getInheritProps()

Contains the props for the shape inherit by the master shape.

Returns: PropCollection


public TextBlock getInheritTextBlock()

Contains the textblock values for the shape inherit by the parent style and the master shape.

Returns: TextBlock


public UserCollection getInheritUsers()

Contains the users for the shape inherit by the master shape.

Returns: UserCollection


public LayerMem getLayerMem()

Contains the LayerMember element, which specifies each layer to which the shape is assigned.

Returns: LayerMem


public Layout getLayout()

Contains elements that control shape placement and connector routing settings.

Returns: Layout


public Line getLine()

Contains elements that control line attributes for a shape, such as pattern, weight, and color. These elements determine whether the line ends are formatted (for example, with an arrowhead), the size of line end formats, radius of the rounding circle applied to the line, and line cap style (round or square).

Returns: Line


public StyleSheet getLineStyle()

StyleSheet from which this shape inherits line formatting

Returns: StyleSheet


public Master getMaster()

The Master from which the shape inherits its data.

Returns: Master


public Shape getMasterShape()

This attribute may only be present in shapes that are members of a group shape, and the group is an instance of a master. The attribute contains an ID that references the corresponding sub-shape in the master.

Returns: Shape


public Misc getMisc()

Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.

Returns: Misc


public String getName()

The name of the element.

Returns: java.lang.String


public String getNameU()

The universal name of the element.

Returns: java.lang.String


public boolean getOneD()

Determines whether the shape behaves as a one-dimensional (1-D) object. Read-only.

Returns: boolean


public Page getPage()

Root element of Visio objects hierarchy.

Returns: Page


public ParaCollection getParas()

Contains a collection of Para elements.

Returns: ParaCollection


public Shape getParentShape()

Shape’s parent.

Returns: Shape


public PropCollection getProps()

Contains a collection of Prop elements.

Returns: PropCollection


public Protection getProtection()

Locking helps prevent inadvertent changes to the shape but does not prevent Microsoft Visio from resetting values in other circumstances. It also does not protect against changes made in the ShapeSheet window.

Returns: Protection


public String getPureText()

Get the text string

Returns: java.lang.String


public Shape getRootShape()

Returns the top-level shape of an instance if this shape is part of a master instance. Read-only.

Returns: Shape


public ScratchCollection getScratchs()

Contains a collection of Scratch elements.

Returns: ScratchCollection


public ShapeCollection getShapes()

Contains a collection of Shape elements.

Returns: ShapeCollection


public SmartTagDefCollection getSmartTagDefs()

Contains a collection of SmartTagDef elements.

Returns: SmartTagDefCollection


public TabsCollection getTabsCollection()

Contains a collection of Tab elements.

Returns: TabsCollection


public Text getText()

Contains the text of a shape.

Returns: Text


public TextBlock getTextBlock()

Contains elements that specify the alignment, margins, and default tab stop positions of text in a shape’s text block.

Returns: TextBlock


public StyleSheet getTextStyle()

StyleSheet from which this shape inherits text formatting.

Returns: StyleSheet


public TextXForm getTextXForm()

Contains elements that specify positioning information about a shape’s text block.

Returns: TextXForm


public ThreeDFormat getThreeDFormat()

Gets the ThreeDFormat.

Returns: ThreeDFormat


public boolean getTwoD()

Determines whether the shape behaves as a two-dimensional (2-D) object.

Returns: boolean


public int getType()

The type of a shape. It may be one of the following values: Group, Shape, Guide, or Foreign.

Returns: int


public UUID getUniqueID()

A GUID (globally unique identifier) assigned to the shape.

Returns: java.util.UUID


public UserCollection getUsers()

Contains a collection of User elements.

Returns: UserCollection


public XForm getXForm()

Contains elements specifying general positioning information about a shape.

Returns: XForm


public XForm1D getXForm1D()

Contains x- and y-coordinates of the begin point and end point of a 1-D shape. This element appears for 1-D shapes only.

Returns: XForm1D


public int getZOrderIndex()

Returns the index of a shape in the z-order except the guide shape.

Returns: int

gluedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter, Shape otherShape)

public long[] gluedShapes(int flag, String categoryFilter, Shape otherShape)

Returns an array that contains the identifiers of the shapes that are glued to a shape.


Parameter Type Description
flag int The dimensionality and directionality of the connection points of the shapes to return.See Remarks for possible valuesAspose.Diagram.GluedShapesFlags.
categoryFilter java.lang.String Filters the array of returned shape IDs by limiting it to the IDs of shapes that match the specified categoryString.
otherShape Shape Optional: additional shape to which returned shapes must also be glued, can be Shape or null.

Returns: long[] - IDs arraylong.


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int

isConnected(Shape shape)

public boolean isConnected(Shape shape)

Indicates whether this two shapes are connected.


Parameter Type Description
shape Shape shape

Returns: boolean

isContain(Shape shape)

public boolean isContain(Shape shape)

Indicates whether this shape is contain another shape.


Parameter Type Description
shape Shape

Returns: boolean

isGlued(Shape shape)

public boolean isGlued(Shape shape)

Indicates whether this two shapes are glued.


Parameter Type Description
shape Shape shape

Returns: boolean


public boolean isInGroup()

Indicates whether this shape is in a group shape.

Returns: boolean

isIntersect(Shape shape)

public boolean isIntersect(Shape shape)

Indicates whether this shape is intersect another shape.


Parameter Type Description
shape Shape

Returns: boolean


public boolean isTextEmpty()

Indicate the shape has text and the text is empty or not.

Returns: boolean

move(double dX, double dY)

public void move(double dX, double dY)

Moves shape on the dX and dY inches from current position.


Parameter Type Description
dX double X offsetdouble.
dY double Y offsetdouble.

moveTo(double newPinX, double newPinY)

public void moveTo(double newPinX, double newPinY)

Moves shape on new absolute position on the page.


Parameter Type Description
newPinX double New x-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the origin of its parent.double.
newPinY double New y-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the origin of its parent.double.


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public void refreshData()

Refreshes shape’s position including xform ,connection and geom when changing shape’s text or other’s . We will gather shape’s data such as shape’s text then calculate shape’s position. This method is only used to refresh shape’s data .

replaceText(String text, String replaceText)

public void replaceText(String text, String replaceText)

Replace the text string of a shape .


Parameter Type Description
text java.lang.String
replaceText java.lang.String


public void sendBackward()

Moves the shape back one position in the z-order.


public void sendToBack()

Moves the shape to the back of the z-order.

setAngle(double angle)

public void setAngle(double angle)

Sets new angle of shape. The angle’s unit is radian.


Parameter Type Description
angle double New angle which unit is radian not degreedouble.

setClippingPath(String value)

public void setClippingPath(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getClippingPath()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setConnectorsType(int type)

public void setConnectorsType(int type)

Set Connectors type


Parameter Type Description
type int

setData1(String value)

public void setData1(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getData1()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setData2(String value)

public void setData2(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getData2()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setData3(String value)

public void setData3(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getData3()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setDel(int value)

public void setDel(int value)

For the description of this property, please see getDel()


Parameter Type Description
value int

setDiagram(Diagram value)

public void setDiagram(Diagram value)

For the description of this property, please see getDiagram()


Parameter Type Description
value Diagram

setEvent(Event value)

public void setEvent(Event value)

For the description of this property, please see getEvent()


Parameter Type Description
value Event

setFillStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setFillStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getFillStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet

setHeight(double height)

public void setHeight(double height)

Sets new height of shape.


Parameter Type Description
height double New heightdouble.

setID(long value)

public void setID(long value)

For the description of this property, please see getID()


Parameter Type Description
value long

setLineStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setLineStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getLineStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet

setMaster(Master value)

public void setMaster(Master value)

For the description of this property, please see getMaster()


Parameter Type Description
value Master

setMasterShape(Shape value)

public void setMasterShape(Shape value)

For the description of this property, please see getMasterShape()


Parameter Type Description
value Shape

setName(String value)

public void setName(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getName()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setNameU(String value)

public void setNameU(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getNameU()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setPage(Page value)

public void setPage(Page value)

For the description of this property, please see getPage()


Parameter Type Description
value Page

setParentShape(Shape value)

public void setParentShape(Shape value)

For the description of this property, please see getParentShape()


Parameter Type Description
value Shape

setPresetTheme(int value)

public void setPresetTheme(int value)

Apply a preset theme to this shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setPresetThemeQuickStyle(int value)

public void setPresetThemeQuickStyle(int value)

Apply a preset theme variant quickstyle to this shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setPresetThemeStyleMatrics(int styleIndex, int colorIndex)

public void setPresetThemeStyleMatrics(int styleIndex, int colorIndex)

pply a preset theme variant quickstyle to this shape, like theme styles options in shape styles dropdown list


Parameter Type Description
styleIndex int the row of style matrics
colorIndex int the column of style matrics

setPresetThemeVariant(int value)

public void setPresetThemeVariant(int value)

Apply a preset theme variant to this shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setProps(PropCollection value)

public void setProps(PropCollection value)

For the description of this property, please see getProps()


Parameter Type Description
value PropCollection

setText(Text value)

public void setText(Text value)

For the description of this property, please see getText()


Parameter Type Description
value Text

setTextStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setTextStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getTextStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet

setTwoD(boolean value)

public void setTwoD(boolean value)

For the description of this property, please see getTwoD()


Parameter Type Description
value boolean

setType(int value)

public void setType(int value)

For the description of this property, please see getType()


Parameter Type Description
value int

setUniqueID(UUID value)

public void setUniqueID(UUID value)

For the description of this property, please see getUniqueID()


Parameter Type Description
value java.util.UUID

setWidth(double width)

public void setWidth(double width)

Sets new width of shape.


Parameter Type Description
width double New widthdouble.

setXForm(XForm value)

public void setXForm(XForm value)

For the description of this property, please see getXForm()


Parameter Type Description
value XForm

setXForm1D(XForm1D value)

public void setXForm1D(XForm1D value)

For the description of this property, please see getXForm1D()


Parameter Type Description
value XForm1D

toHTML(InputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options)

public void toHTML(InputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options)

Creates the shape html and saves it to a stream in the specified format.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.
options HTMLSaveOptions Addtional html creation options

toHTML(OutputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options)

public void toHTML(OutputStream stream, HTMLSaveOptions options)

Creates the shape html and saves it to a stream in the specified format.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.
options HTMLSaveOptions Addtional html creation options

toHTML(String fileName, HTMLSaveOptions options)

public void toHTML(String fileName, HTMLSaveOptions options)

Creates the html and saves it to a file.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String
options HTMLSaveOptions html save options

toImage(InputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options)

public void toImage(InputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options)

Creates the shape image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.
options ImageSaveOptions Additional image creation options

toImage(OutputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options)

public void toImage(OutputStream stream, ImageSaveOptions options)

Creates the shape image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.
options ImageSaveOptions Additional image creation options

toImage(String imageFile, ImageSaveOptions options)

public void toImage(String imageFile, ImageSaveOptions options)

Creates the shape image and saves it to a file. The extension of the file name determines the format of the image.

The format of the image is specified by using the extension of the file name. For example, if you specify “myfile.png”, then the image will be saved in the PNG format. The following file extensions are recognized: .bmp, .gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .emf.


Parameter Type Description
imageFile java.lang.String The image file name with full path.
options ImageSaveOptions Additional image creation options

toPdf(InputStream stream)

public void toPdf(InputStream stream)

Creates the shape pdf and saves it to a stream.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.

toPdf(OutputStream stream)

public void toPdf(OutputStream stream)

Creates the shape pdf and saves it to a stream.


Parameter Type Description
stream The output stream.

toPdf(String fileName)

public void toPdf(String fileName)

Saves the shape to a pdf file.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String the pdf file name with full path


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String

toSvg(String imageFile, SVGSaveOptions options)

public void toSvg(String imageFile, SVGSaveOptions options)

Saves the shape to a svg file.


Parameter Type Description
imageFile java.lang.String
options SVGSaveOptions


public void ungroup()

Ungroup Shape


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int