
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class StyleSheet

Represents a style defined in a document.


Constructor Description
StyleSheet() Constructor.


Method Description
deepClone() Creates deep copy of this instance.
equals(Object arg0)
getChars() Contains a collection of Char elements.
getConnectionABCDs() Contains a collection of ConnectionABCD elements.
getConnections() Contains a collection of Connection elements.
getEvent() Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.
getFill() Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.
getFillStyle() StyleSheet element from which this style inherits fill formatting.
getForeign() Contains elements specifying the width and height of an object from another program used in a Microsoft Visio document.
getForeignData() Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded BLOB of picture data, such as Windows metafile, bitmap, or OLE data.
getGroup() Contains elements that control how you add shapes to a group, move members of a group, and select groups.
getHelp() Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.
getID() The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
getImage() Contains the gamma, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, denoise, and transparency values for a bitmap.
getLayout() Contains elements that control shape placement and connector routing settings.
getLine() Contains elements that control line attributes for a shape, such as pattern, weight, and color.
getLineStyle() StyleSheet element from which this style inherits line formatting.
getMisc() Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.
getName() The name of the element.
getNameU() The universal name of the element.
getPageLayout() Contains Diagram that control the page layout settings for shapes and connectors, such as spacing between all shapes on the page, spacing between all connectors on the page, and routing style for all connectors on the page.
getParas() Contains a collection of Para elements.
getProtection() Locking helps prevent inadvertent changes to the shape but does not prevent Microsoft Visio from resetting values in other circumstances.
getRulerGrid() Contains elements that specify the settings of the page’s rulers and grid.
getStyleProp() Contains elements that control style behavior, such as whether a style includes text, line, and fill attributes.
getTabsCollection() Contains a collection of Tab elements.
getTextBlock() Contains elements that specify the alignment, margins, and default tab stop positions of text in a shape’s text block.
getTextStyle() StyleSheet element from which this style inherits text formatting.
setFillStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getFillStyle()
setID(int value) For the description of this property, please see getID()
setLineStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getLineStyle()
setName(String value) For the description of this property, please see getName()
setNameU(String value) For the description of this property, please see getNameU()
setTextStyle(StyleSheet value) For the description of this property, please see getTextStyle()
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)


public StyleSheet()



public Object deepClone()

Creates deep copy of this instance.

Returns: java.lang.Object -

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean


public CharCollection getChars()

Contains a collection of Char elements.

Returns: CharCollection


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public ConnectionABCDCollection getConnectionABCDs()

Contains a collection of ConnectionABCD elements.

Returns: ConnectionABCDCollection


public ConnectionCollection getConnections()

Contains a collection of Connection elements.

Returns: ConnectionCollection


public Event getEvent()

Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.

Returns: Event


public Fill getFill()

Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.

Returns: Fill


public StyleSheet getFillStyle()

StyleSheet element from which this style inherits fill formatting.

Returns: StyleSheet


public Foreign getForeign()

Contains elements specifying the width and height of an object from another program used in a Microsoft Visio document. Also includes elements specifying the distance the object’s image is offset within its borders.

Returns: Foreign


public ForeignData getForeignData()

Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded BLOB of picture data, such as Windows metafile, bitmap, or OLE data.

Returns: ForeignData


public Group getGroup()

Contains elements that control how you add shapes to a group, move members of a group, and select groups.

Returns: Group


public Help getHelp()

Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.

Returns: Help


public int getID()

The unique ID of the element within its parent element.

Returns: int


public Image getImage()

Contains the gamma, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, denoise, and transparency values for a bitmap.

Returns: Image


public Layout getLayout()

Contains elements that control shape placement and connector routing settings.

Returns: Layout


public Line getLine()

Contains elements that control line attributes for a shape, such as pattern, weight, and color. These elements determine whether the line ends are formatted (for example, with an arrowhead), the size of line end formats, radius of the rounding circle applied to the line, and line cap style (round or square).

Returns: Line


public StyleSheet getLineStyle()

StyleSheet element from which this style inherits line formatting.

Returns: StyleSheet


public Misc getMisc()

Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.

Returns: Misc


public String getName()

The name of the element.

Returns: java.lang.String


public String getNameU()

The universal name of the element.

Returns: java.lang.String


public PageLayout getPageLayout()

Contains Diagram that control the page layout settings for shapes and connectors, such as spacing between all shapes on the page, spacing between all connectors on the page, and routing style for all connectors on the page.

Returns: PageLayout


public ParaCollection getParas()

Contains a collection of Para elements.

Returns: ParaCollection


public Protection getProtection()

Locking helps prevent inadvertent changes to the shape but does not prevent Microsoft Visio from resetting values in other circumstances. It also does not protect against changes made in the ShapeSheet window.

Returns: Protection


public RulerGrid getRulerGrid()

Contains elements that specify the settings of the page’s rulers and grid.

Returns: RulerGrid


public StyleProp getStyleProp()

Contains elements that control style behavior, such as whether a style includes text, line, and fill attributes.

Returns: StyleProp


public TabsCollection getTabsCollection()

Contains a collection of Tab elements.

Returns: TabsCollection


public TextBlock getTextBlock()

Contains elements that specify the alignment, margins, and default tab stop positions of text in a shape’s text block.

Returns: TextBlock


public StyleSheet getTextStyle()

StyleSheet element from which this style inherits text formatting.

Returns: StyleSheet


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()

setFillStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setFillStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getFillStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet

setID(int value)

public void setID(int value)

For the description of this property, please see getID()


Parameter Type Description
value int

setLineStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setLineStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getLineStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet

setName(String value)

public void setName(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getName()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setNameU(String value)

public void setNameU(String value)

For the description of this property, please see getNameU()


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setTextStyle(StyleSheet value)

public void setTextStyle(StyleSheet value)

For the description of this property, please see getTextStyle()


Parameter Type Description
value StyleSheet


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int