
SignonInfo class

Signon information class.

public class SignonInfo


Name Description
SignonInfo() Initializes a new instance of SignonInfo class.


Name Description
AccessTokenRequire { get; set; } Gets or sets whether the server requires ACCESSTOKEN for all requests except profile.
AuthTokenFirst { get; set; } Gets or sets whether server requires clients to send AUTHTOKEN as part of the first signon.
AuthTokenInfoUrl { get; set; } Gets or sets the URL where AUTHTOKEN information is provided by the institution operating the OFX server.
AuthTokenLabel { get; set; } Gets or sets the text label for the AUTHTOKEN.
CaseSensitive { get; set; } Gets or sets whether password is case-sensitive.
ChangePinFirst { get; set; } Gets or sets whether server requires clients to change user password as part of first signon.
CharType { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of characters allowed in password.
ClientuidRequire { get; set; } Gets or sets whether CLIENTUID is required.
Max { get; set; } Gets or sets the maximum number of password characters
MFAChallengeFirst { get; set; } Gets or sets whether the client is required to send MFACHALLENGERQ as part of the first signon, before sending any other requests.
MFAChallengeSupport { get; set; } Gets or sets whether the server supports MFACHALLENGE functionality.
Min { get; set; } Gets or sets the minimum number of password characters.
Pinch { get; set; } Gets or sets whether server supports PIN change requests.
SignonRealm { get; set; } Gets or sets the identifies this realm.
Spaces { get; set; } Gets or sets whether spaces are allowed over and above those characters.
Special { get; set; } Gets or sets whether special characters are allowed over and above those characters.
UserCredential1Label { get; set; } Gets or sets the text prompt for user credential. If it is present, a third credential (USERCRED1) is required in addition to USERID and USERPASS.
UserCredential2Label { get; set; } Gets or sets the text prompt for user credential. If it is present, a fourth credential (USERCRED2) is required in addition to USERID, USERPASS and USERCRED1. If present, UserCredential1Label must also be present.

See Also