Tax1098T_V100 class
Tax 1098T V100 form class, tuition statement.
public class Tax1098T_V100 : AbstractTax1098
Name | Description |
Tax1098T_V100() | Initializes a new instance of Tax1098T_V100 class. |
Name | Description |
AccountNumber { get; set; } | Gets or sets the account number. |
AdjustmentPriorYear { get; set; } | Gets or sets the adjustments for prior year. |
AdjustmentsScholarship { get; set; } | Gets or sets the adjustments to scholarships or grants. |
BilledExpense { get; set; } | Gets or sets the amount billed for tuition and expenses. |
ChangeMethod { get; set; } | Gets or sets whether change of reporting method |
FilerAddress { get; set; } | Gets or sets the FilerAddress . |
FilerId { get; set; } | Gets or sets the filer’s Federal Identification Number. |
Graduate { get; set; } | Gets or sets whether graduate student. |
HalfTime { get; set; } | Gets or sets whether at least half-time student. |
IncludeJanuaryMarch { get; set; } | Gets or sets whether includes amounts January and March. |
InsuranceReimbursement { get; set; } | Gets or sets the insurance reimbursement/refund. |
QualifiedTuition { get; set; } | Gets or sets the payment received for qualified tuition and expenses. |
Scholarships { get; set; } | Gets or sets the scholarships or grants. |
ServerId { get; set; } | Gets or sets the ID assigned by the host server to the form. |
StudentAddress { get; set; } | Gets or sets the StudentAddress . |
StudentSocialSecurityNumber { get; set; } | Gets or sets the student’s Social Security number. |
TaxYear { get; set; } | Gets or sets the tax year of this form, in format “YYYY”. |
See Also
- class AbstractTax1098
- namespace Aspose.Finance.Ofx.Tax1098
- assembly Aspose.Finance