InlineXbrlDocument class
An inline XBRL document.
public class InlineXbrlDocument : Document
Name | Description |
InlineXbrlDocument(string) | Initializes a new instance of InlineXbrlDocument class and open a file. |
InlineXbrlDocument(string, LoadOptions) | Initializes a new instance of InlineXbrlDocument class and open a file. |
Name | Description |
ArcroleReferences { get; } | Gets the collection of ArcroleReference in the inline XBRL document. |
virtual BaseURI { get; } | Gets the absolute base URI of this node or null if the implementation wasn’t able to obtain an absolute URI. |
CharacterSet { get; } | Gets the document’s encoding. |
ChildElements { get; } | Gets the child elements. |
ChildNodes { get; } | Gets the child nodes. |
ContentType { get; } | Gets the document content type. |
Contexts { get; } | Gets the collection of Context in the inline XBRL document. |
Continuations { get; } | Gets the collection of InlineContinuation in the inline XBRL document. |
DocumentElement { get; } | This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the document element of the document. |
DocumentURI { get; } | Gets the document URI. |
Facts { get; } | Gets the collection of InlineFact in the inline XBRL document. |
FirstChild { get; } | Gets the first child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null. |
Footnotes { get; } | Gets the collection of InlineFootnote in the inline XBRL document. |
HasChildNodes { get; } | Gets whether this node has any children. |
LastChild { get; } | Gets the last child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null. |
virtual LocalName { get; } | Gets the local part of the qualified name of this node. |
virtual NamespaceURI { get; } | Gets the namespace URI of this node. |
NextSibling { get; } | Gets the node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this returns null. |
override NodeName { get; } | Gets the node name of the document. |
NodeType { get; } | Gets the node type. |
virtual NodeValue { get; set; } | Gets or sets the value of this node, depending on its type. |
OwnerDocument { get; } | Gets the document object associated with this node. |
ParentNode { get; } | Gets the parent node. |
virtual Prefix { get; set; } | Gets or sets the namespace prefix of this node. |
PreviousSibling { get; } | Gets the node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this returns null. |
References { get; } | Gets the InlineReferences in the inline XBRL document. |
Relationships { get; } | Gets the collection of InlineRelationship in the inline XBRL document. |
RoleReferences { get; } | Gets the collection of RoleReference in the inline XBRL document. |
virtual TextContent { get; set; } | Gets or sets the the text content of this node and its descendants. |
Units { get; } | Gets the collection of Unit in the inline XBRL document. |
ValidationErrors { get; set; } | Gets the collection of ValidationError in the inline XBRL document. |
Name | Description |
AppendChild(Node) | Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node. |
CreateHtmlElement(string, string) | Creates a Html elment. |
CreateInlineXbrlElement(string, string) | Creates an inline xbrl elment. |
CreateXbrlInstanceElement(string, string) | Creates a xbrl instance elment. |
CreateXbrlLinkbaseElement(string, string) | Creates a xbrl linkbase elment. |
ExportToXbrl() | Export to XbrlDocument object. |
ExportToXbrl(Stream) | Export to xbrl stream. |
ExportToXbrl(string) | Export to xbrl file. |
GetArcroleTypeByURI(string) | Gets the ArcroleType which has the specified uri. |
GetConceptById(string) | Gets the context which has the specified id. |
GetConceptByLoc(Loc) | Gets the concept by the locator. |
GetConceptByName(string) | Gets the concept which has the specified name. |
GetContextById(string) | Gets the context which has the specified id. |
GetContinuationChainByContinuationReference(string) | Gets the continuation chain according to the continuation reference. |
GetRoleTypeByURI(string) | Gets the RoleType which has the specified uri. |
GetUnitById(string) | Gets the unit which has the specified id. |
IsValid() | Checks whether this inlince XBRL document is valid. |
RefreshInlineXbrlObjects() | If add, update, remove Inline Xbrl elements in the DOM tree, this method should be called to refresh inline xbrl objects. |
RemoveChild(Node) | Removes the child node indicated by old child from the list of children. |
ReplaceChild(Node, Node) | Replaces the child node old child with new child in the list of children, and returns the old child node. |
Save(Stream) | Creates and saves the inline xbrl file to the stream. |
Save(string) | Creates and saves the inline xbrl file to the disk. |
Save(Stream, SaveOptions) | Creates and saves the inline xbrl file to the stream. |
Save(string, SaveOptions) | Creates and saves the inline xbrl file to the disk. |
Validate() | Validates this inline XBRL document. |
See Also
- class Document
- namespace Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.Inline
- assembly Aspose.Finance