
LinkbaseRefCollection class

Collection of schema linkbase references.

public class LinkbaseRefCollection : IEnumerable<LinkbaseRef>


Name Description
Count { get; } The number of linkbase reference in this collection.
Item { get; } Gets LinkbaseRef item at the specified index in the collection.


Name Description
AddCalculationLinkbaseRef(string) Add a CalculationLinkbaseRef to the collection.
AddDefinitionLinkbaseRef(string) Add a DefinitionLinkbaseRef to the collection.
AddLabelLinkbaseRef(string) Add a LabelLinkbaseRef to the collection.
AddPresentationLinkbaseRef(string) Add a PresentationLinkbaseRef to the collection.
AddReferenceLinkbaseRef(string) Add a ReferenceLinkbaseRef to the collection.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

See Also