Investment401kBalance class

Investment401kBalance class

The class contains an optional cash balance. It also contains the balances of the standard 401(k) sub-accounts.

The Investment401kBalance type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
Investment401kBalance() Initializes a new instance of Investment401kBalance class.


Property Description
cash_balance Gets or sets the cash balance available for the 401(k) account.
pre_tax Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Before Tax Employee contributions
after_tax Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with After Tax Employee contributions.
match Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Employer Match contributions.
profit_sharing Gets or sets the Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Profit Sharing contributions
rollover Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Rollover contributions.
other_vest Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Other (vesting) Employer contributions.
other_nonvest Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Other (non-vesting) Employer contributions.
total Gets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with all contributions.
balance_list Gets or sets the collection of Balance.

See Also