Transfer class

Transfer class

Investment transfer class.

Inheritance: TransferAbstractInvestmentTransactionAbstractInvestmentTransactionBase

The Transfer type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
Transfer() Initializes a new instance of Transfer class.


Property Description
investment_transaction Gets or sets the AbstractInvestmentTransaction.investment_transaction.
security_id Gets or sets the Transfer.security_id.
sub_account_security Gets or sets the sub-account type for the security.
units Gets or sets the units. For security-based actions other than stock splits. Shares for stocks, mutual funds, and others. Face value for bonds. Contracts for options.
transfer_action Gets or sets the action for transfers.
position_type Gets or sets the position type.
investment_account_from Gets or sets the from of InvestmentAccount.
average_cost_basis Gets or sets the average cost basis of this position.
unit_price Gets or sets the price per commonly-quoted unit. Does not include markup/markdown. Share price for stocks, mutual funds, and others. Percentage of par for bonds. Per share (not contract) for options.
purchase_date Gets or sets the security’s original purchase date.
investment_401k_source Gets or sets the source of money for this security in this position.

See Also