EnrollRequest class

EnrollRequest class

Enrollment request class.

The EnrollRequest type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
EnrollRequest() Initializes a new instance of EnrollRequest class.


Property Description
first_name Gets or sets the first name of user.
middle_name Gets or sets the middle name of user.
last_name Gets or sets the last name of user.
address1 Gets or sets the address line 1.
address2 Gets or sets the address line 2.
address3 Gets or sets the address line 3.
city Gets or sets the city.
state Gets or sets the state or province.
postal_code Gets or sets the postal code
country Gets or sets the country code. 3-letter country code from ISO/DIS-3166.
day_phone Gets or sets the daytime telephone number.
evening_phone Gets or sets the evening telephone number.
email Gets or sets the electronic e-mail address.
user_id Gets or sets the actual user ID if already known, or preferred user ID if user can choose.
tax_id Gets or sets the ID used for tax purposes (such as SSN), may be same as user ID.
security_name Gets or sets the mother’s maiden name or equivalent.
birth_date Gets or sets the date of birth.
account_from Gets or sets the from of BankAccount or CreditCardAccount or InvestmentAccount or PresentmentAccount.

See Also