XbrlLinkbaseArcroleRefElement class

XbrlLinkbaseArcroleRefElement class

The class represents xbrl linkbase arcroleRef element.

Inheritance: XbrlLinkbaseArcroleRefElementXbrlLinkbaseElementElementNode

The XbrlLinkbaseArcroleRefElement type exposes the following members:


Property Description
node_type Gets the node type.
parent_node Gets the parent node.
base_uri Gets the absolute base URI of this node or null if the implementation wasn’t able to obtain an absolute URI.
owner_document Gets the document object associated with this node.
child_nodes Gets the child nodes.
node_name Gets the node name of the element.
node_value Gets or sets the value of this node, depending on its type.
text_content Gets the text content of the element.
local_name Gets the local name of the element.
prefix Gets the prefix of the element.
namespace_uri Gets the namespace URI of the element.
has_child_nodes Gets whether this node has any children.
previous_sibling Gets the node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
next_sibling Gets the node immediately following this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
first_child Gets the first child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
last_child Gets the last child of this node. If there is no such node, this returns null.
attributes Gets the attributes of the element.
parent_element Gets the parent element of the element.
child_elements Gets the child elements of the element.


Method Description
append_child(node) Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
remove_child(node) Removes the child node indicated by old child from the list of children.
replace_child(node, child) Replaces the child node old child with new child in the list of children, and returns the old child node.
get_attribute(name) Gets an attribute value by name.
get_attribute_ns(namespace_uri, local_name) Gets an attribute value by local name and namespace URI.
has_attribute(name) Returns true when an attribute with a given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
has_attribute_ns(namespace_uri, local_name) Returns true when an attribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
set_attribute(name, value) Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter.
set_attribute_ns(namespace_uri, qualified_name, value) Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with the same local name and namespace URI is already present on the element, its prefix is changed to be the prefix part of the qualifiedName, and its value is changed to be the value parameter.
remove_attribute(name) Removes an attribute by name.
remove_attribute_ns(namespace_uri, local_name) Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI.

See Also