Image Class

Summary: The image is the base class for all type of images.

Module: aspose.imaging

Full Name: aspose.imaging.Image

Inheritance: IObjectWithBounds, DataStreamSupporter


auto_adjust_paletteboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette.
background_colorColorr/wGets or sets a value for the background color.
bits_per_pixelintrGets the image bits per pixel count.
boundsRectanglerGets the image bounds.
buffer_size_hintintr/wGets or sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers.
containerImagerGets the Image container.
data_stream_containerStreamContainerrGets the object’s data stream.
disposedboolrGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
file_formatFileFormatrGets a value of file format
has_background_colorboolr/wGets or sets a value indicating whether image has background color.
heightintrGets the image height.
interrupt_monitorInterruptMonitorr/wGets or sets the interrupt monitor.
is_cachedboolrGets a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required.
paletteIColorPaletter/wGets or sets the color palette. The color palette is not used when pixels are represented directly.
sizeSizerGets the image size.
use_paletteboolrGets a value indicating whether the image palette is used.
widthintrGets the image width.


cache_data()Caches the data and ensures no additional data loading will be performed from the underlying DataStreamSupporter.data_stream_container.
can_load(file_path)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path.
can_load(file_path, load_options)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.
can_load(stream)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.
can_load(stream, load_options)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions.
can_load_stream(stream)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.
can_load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions.
can_load_with_options(file_path, load_options)Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.
can_save(options)Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.
create(image_options, width, height)Creates a new image using the specified create options.
create(images)Creates a new image using the specified images as pages
create(images, dispose_images)Creates a new image the specified images as pages.
get_default_options(args)Gets the default options.
get_file_format(file_path)Gets the file format.
get_file_format(stream)Gets the file format.
get_file_format_of_stream(stream)Gets the file format.
get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, pixels, width, height)Gets rectangle which fits the current image.
get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, width, height)Gets rectangle which fits the current image.
get_original_options()Gets the options based on the original file settings.
This can be helpful to keep bit-depth and other parameters of the original image unchanged.
For example, if we load a black-white PNG image with 1 bit per pixel and then save it using the method, the output PNG image with 8-bit per pixel will be produced.
To avoid it and save PNG image with 1-bit per pixel, use this method to get corresponding saving options and pass them
to the, options) method as the second parameter.
get_proportional_height(width, height, new_width)Gets a proportional height.
get_proportional_width(width, height, new_height)Gets a proportional width.
get_serialized_stream(image_options, clipping_rectangle, page_number)Converts to aps.
load(file_path)Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.
load(file_path, load_options)Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.
load(stream)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load(stream, load_options)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load_stream(stream)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options)Loads a new image from the specified stream.
load_with_options(file_path, load_options)Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.
remove_metadata()Removes metadata.
resize(new_width, new_height)Resizes the image. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.
resize(new_width, new_height, resize_type)Resizes the image.
resize(new_width, new_height, settings)Resizes the image.
resize_by_settings(new_width, new_height, settings)Resizes the image.
resize_by_type(new_width, new_height, resize_type)Resizes the image.
resize_height_proportionally(new_height)Resizes the height proportionally. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.
resize_height_proportionally(new_height, resize_type)Resizes the height proportionally.
resize_height_proportionally(new_height, settings)Resizes the height proportionally.
resize_height_proportionally_settings(new_height, settings)Resizes the height proportionally.
resize_width_proportionally(new_width)Resizes the width proportionally. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.
resize_width_proportionally(new_width, resize_type)Resizes the width proportionally.
resize_width_proportionally(new_width, settings)Resizes the width proportionally.
resize_width_proportionally_settings(new_width, settings)Resizes the width proportionally.
rotate_flip(rotate_flip_type)Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image.
save()Saves the image data to the underlying stream.
save(file_path)Saves the image to the specified file location.
save(file_path, options)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
save(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
save(file_path, over_write)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.
save(stream)Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.
save(stream, options_base)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save_to_stream(stream)Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.
save_to_stream_with_options(stream, options_base)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save_to_stream_with_options_rect(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle)Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.
save_with_options(file_path, options)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
save_with_options_rect(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle)Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.
set_palette(palette, update_colors)Sets the image palette.

Property: use_palette

Gets a value indicating whether the image palette is used.

See also:

Example # 1: Determine if the palette is used by the image.

Method: can_load(file_path) [static]


Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path.


file_pathstringThe file path.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified file; otherwise, false.

See also:

Example # 1: This example determines whether image can be loaded from a file.

Method: can_load(file_path, load_options) [static]

 can_load(file_path, load_options) 

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified file; otherwise, false.

Method: can_load(stream) [static]


Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load from.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false.

See also:

Example # 1: This example determines whether image can be loaded from a file stream.

Method: can_load(stream, load_options) [static]

 can_load(stream, load_options) 

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false.

Method: can_load_stream(stream) [static]


Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load from.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false.

Method: can_load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options) [static]

 can_load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options) 

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified stream and optionally using the specified loadOptions.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified stream; otherwise, false.

Method: can_load_with_options(file_path, load_options) [static]

 can_load_with_options(file_path, load_options) 

Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified file path and optionally using the specified open options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


booltrue if image can be loaded from the specified file; otherwise, false.

Method: can_save(options)


Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.


optionsImageOptionsBaseThe save options to use.


booltrue if image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options; otherwise, false.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows how to determine whether image can be saved to the specifi…

Method: create(image_options, width, height) [static]

 create(image_options, width, height) 

Creates a new image using the specified create options.


image_optionsImageOptionsBaseThe image options.
widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.


ImageThe newly created image.

See also:

Example # 1: This example creates a new Image file at some disk location as specified by S…

Method: create(images) [static]


Creates a new image using the specified images as pages


imagesImage[]The images.


ImageThe Image as IMultipageImage

Method: create(images, dispose_images) [static]

 create(images, dispose_images) 

Creates a new image the specified images as pages.


imagesImage[]The images.
dispose_imagesboolif set to true [dispose images].


ImageThe Image as IMultipageImage

Method: get_default_options(args)


Gets the default options.


argsobjectThe arguments.


ImageOptionsBaseDefault options

Method: get_file_format(file_path) [static]


Gets the file format.


file_pathstringThe file path.


FileFormatThe determined file format.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows how to determine the image format without loading the enti…

Method: get_file_format(stream) [static]


Gets the file format.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream.


FileFormatThe determined file format.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows how to determine the image format without loading the enti…

Method: get_file_format_of_stream(stream) [static]


Gets the file format.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream.


FileFormatThe determined file format.

Method: get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, pixels, width, height) [static]

 get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, pixels, width, height) 

Gets rectangle which fits the current image.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get fitting rectangle for.
pixelsintThe 32-bit ARGB pixels.
widthintThe object width.
heightintThe object height.


RectangleThe fitting rectangle or exception if no fitting rectangle can be found.

Method: get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, width, height) [static]

 get_fitting_rectangle(rectangle, width, height) 

Gets rectangle which fits the current image.


rectangleRectangleThe rectangle to get fitting rectangle for.
widthintThe object width.
heightintThe object height.


RectangleThe fitting rectangle or exception if no fitting rectangle can be found.

Method: get_original_options()


Gets the options based on the original file settings.
This can be helpful to keep bit-depth and other parameters of the original image unchanged.
For example, if we load a black-white PNG image with 1 bit per pixel and then save it using the method, the output PNG image with 8-bit per pixel will be produced.
To avoid it and save PNG image with 1-bit per pixel, use this method to get corresponding saving options and pass them
to the, options) method as the second parameter.


ImageOptionsBaseThe options based on the original file settings.

Method: get_proportional_height(width, height, new_width) [static]

 get_proportional_height(width, height, new_width) 

Gets a proportional height.


widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.
new_widthintThe new width.


intThe proportional height.

Method: get_proportional_width(width, height, new_height) [static]

 get_proportional_width(width, height, new_height) 

Gets a proportional width.


widthintThe width.
heightintThe height.
new_heightintThe new height.


intThe proportional width.

Method: get_serialized_stream(image_options, clipping_rectangle, page_number)

 get_serialized_stream(image_options, clipping_rectangle, page_number) 

Converts to aps.


image_optionsImageOptionsBaseThe image options.
clipping_rectangleRectangleThe clipping rectangle.
page_numberint[]The page number.


_io.BufferedRandomThe serialized stream

Method: load(file_path) [static]


Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.


file_pathstringThe file path or URL to load image from.


ImageThe loaded image.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the loading of an existing Image file into an insta…

Method: load(file_path, load_options) [static]

 load(file_path, load_options) 

Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.


file_pathstringThe file path or URL to load image from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


ImageThe loaded image.

Method: load(stream) [static]


Loads a new image from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load image from.


ImageThe loaded image.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of a file stream objects to load an existin…

Method: load(stream, load_options) [static]

 load(stream, load_options) 

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load image from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


ImageThe loaded image.

Method: load_stream(stream) [static]


Loads a new image from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load image from.


ImageThe loaded image.

Method: load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options) [static]

 load_stream_with_options(stream, load_options) 

Loads a new image from the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to load image from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


ImageThe loaded image.

Method: load_with_options(file_path, load_options) [static]

 load_with_options(file_path, load_options) 

Loads a new image from the specified file path or URL.
If filePath is a file path the method just opens the file.
If filePath is an URL, the method downloads the file, stores it as a temporary one, and opens it.


file_pathstringThe file path or URL to load image from.
load_optionsLoadOptionsThe load options.


ImageThe loaded image.

Method: resize(new_width, new_height)

 resize(new_width, new_height) 

Resizes the image. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.


new_widthintThe new width.
new_heightintThe new height.

Method: resize(new_width, new_height, resize_type)

 resize(new_width, new_height, resize_type) 

Resizes the image.


new_widthintThe new width.
new_heightintThe new height.
resize_typeResizeTypeThe resize type.

Method: resize(new_width, new_height, settings)

 resize(new_width, new_height, settings) 

Resizes the image.


new_widthintThe new width.
new_heightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe resize settings.

See also:

Example # 1: This example loads an image and resizes it using various resizing settings.

Method: resize_by_settings(new_width, new_height, settings)

 resize_by_settings(new_width, new_height, settings) 

Resizes the image.


new_widthintThe new width.
new_heightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe resize settings.

Method: resize_by_type(new_width, new_height, resize_type)

 resize_by_type(new_width, new_height, resize_type) 

Resizes the image.


new_widthintThe new width.
new_heightintThe new height.
resize_typeResizeTypeThe resize type.

Method: resize_height_proportionally(new_height)


Resizes the height proportionally. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.


new_heightintThe new height.

Method: resize_height_proportionally(new_height, resize_type)

 resize_height_proportionally(new_height, resize_type) 

Resizes the height proportionally.


new_heightintThe new height.
resize_typeResizeTypeType of the resize.

See also:

Example # 1: This example loads an image and resizes it proportionally using various resiz…

Method: resize_height_proportionally(new_height, settings)

 resize_height_proportionally(new_height, settings) 

Resizes the height proportionally.


new_heightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

Method: resize_height_proportionally_settings(new_height, settings)

 resize_height_proportionally_settings(new_height, settings) 

Resizes the height proportionally.


new_heightintThe new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

Method: resize_width_proportionally(new_width)


Resizes the width proportionally. The default ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE is used.


new_widthintThe new width.

Method: resize_width_proportionally(new_width, resize_type)

 resize_width_proportionally(new_width, resize_type) 

Resizes the width proportionally.


new_widthintThe new width.
resize_typeResizeTypeType of the resize.

See also:

Example # 1: This example loads an image and resizes it proportionally using various resiz…

Method: resize_width_proportionally(new_width, settings)

 resize_width_proportionally(new_width, settings) 

Resizes the width proportionally.


new_widthintThe new width.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

Method: resize_width_proportionally_settings(new_width, settings)

 resize_width_proportionally_settings(new_width, settings) 

Resizes the width proportionally.


new_widthintThe new width.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe image resize settings.

Method: rotate_flip(rotate_flip_type)


Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image.


rotate_flip_typeRotateFlipTypeType of the rotate flip.

See also:

Example # 1: This example demonstrates the use of Rotate operation on an image. Example lo…

Example # 2: This example loads an image, rotates it by 90 degrees clockwise and optionall…

Method: save(file_path)


Saves the image to the specified file location.


file_pathstringThe file path to save the image to.

Method: save(file_path, options)

 save(file_path, options) 

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows the simple steps to save an Image. To demonstrate this ope…

Example # 2: The following example loads a BMP image from a file, then saves the image to …

Example # 3: The following example shows how to save an entire BMP image or part of it to …

Method: save(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle)

 save(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle) 

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.
bounds_rectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use sourse bounds.

See also:

Example # 1: The following example loads a BMP image from a file, then saves a rectangular…

Example # 2: The following example shows how to save an entire BMP image or part of it to …

Method: save(file_path, over_write)

 save(file_path, over_write) 

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location.


file_pathstringThe file path to save the object’s data to.
over_writeboolif set to true over write the file contents, otherwise append will occur.

Method: save(stream)


Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the object’s data to.

Method: save(stream, options_base)

 save(stream, options_base) 

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the image’s data to.
options_baseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.

See also:

Example # 1: This example shows the process of saving an Image to MemoryStream. To demonst…

Example # 2: The following example loads an image from a file, then saves the image to a P…

Example # 3: The following example shows how to save an entire BMP image or part of it to …

Method: save(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle)

 save(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle) 

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the image’s data to.
options_baseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.
bounds_rectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use source bounds.

See also:

Example # 1: The following example loads an image from a file, then saves a rectangular pa…

Example # 2: The following example shows how to save an entire BMP image or part of it to …

Method: save_to_stream(stream)


Saves the object’s data to the specified stream.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the object’s data to.

Method: save_to_stream_with_options(stream, options_base)

 save_to_stream_with_options(stream, options_base) 

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the image’s data to.
options_baseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.

Method: save_to_stream_with_options_rect(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle)

 save_to_stream_with_options_rect(stream, options_base, bounds_rectangle) 

Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options.


stream_io.BufferedRandomThe stream to save the image’s data to.
options_baseImageOptionsBaseThe save options.
bounds_rectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use source bounds.

Method: save_with_options(file_path, options)

 save_with_options(file_path, options) 

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.

Method: save_with_options_rect(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle)

 save_with_options_rect(file_path, options, bounds_rectangle) 

Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options.


file_pathstringThe file path.
optionsImageOptionsBaseThe options.
bounds_rectangleRectangleThe destination image bounds rectangle. Set the empty rectangle for use sourse bounds.

Method: set_palette(palette, update_colors)

 set_palette(palette, update_colors) 

Sets the image palette.


paletteIColorPaletteThe palette to set.
update_colorsboolif set to true colors will be updated according to the new palette; otherwise color indexes remain unchanged. Note that unchanged indexes may crash the image on loading if some indexes have no corresponding palette entries.


This example demonstrates the loading of an existing Image file into an instance of aspose.imaging.Image using file path specified

from aspose.imaging import Image
# Create Image instance and initialize it with an existing image file from disk location
with Image.load(r"C:\temp\sample.bmp") as image:
	# do some image processing

This example creates a new Image file at some disk location as specified by Source property of the BmpOptions instance. Several properties for BmpOptions instance are set before creating the actual image. Especially the Source property, that refers to the actual disk location in this case.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import BmpOptions
from aspose.imaging.sources import FileCreateSource

#Create an instance of `BmpOptions` and set its various properties
with BmpOptions() as bmp_options:
	bmp_options.bits_per_pixel = 24

	#Create an instance of `FileCreateSource` and assign it as `source` for the instance of `BmpOptions`
	#Second `Boolean` parameter determines if the file to be created is_temporal or not
	bmp_options.source = FileCreateSource(r"C:\temp\output.bmp", False)

	#Create an instance of Image and initialize it with instance of BmpOptions by calling Create method
	with Image.create(bmp_options, 500, 500) as image:
		#do some image processing
		# save all changes

This example demonstrates the use of a file stream objects to load an existing Image file

from aspose.imaging import Image

# Create an instance of FileStream
with open(r"C:\temp\sample.bmp", "rb"):
	#Create an instance of Image class and load an existing file through FileStream object by calling Load method
	with Image.load(stream) as image:
		#do some image processing.

This example demonstrates the use of Rotate operation on an image. Example loads an existing image file from some disk location and performs the Rotate operation on the image according to the value of enumeration aspose.imaging.RotateFlipType

from aspose.imaging import Image, RotateFlipType
#Create an instance of image class and initialize it with an existing image file through File path
with Image.load(r"C:\temp\sample.bmp") as image:
	# rotate the image at 180 degree about X axis
	# save all changes.

This example shows the simple steps to save an Image. To demonstrate this operation, we load an existing file from some disk location, performs rotate operation on the image and save the image in PSD format using file path

from aspose.imaging import Image, RotateFlipType
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PsdOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp"

#Create an instance of image class and initialize it with an existing file through File path
with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	#Rotate the image at 180 degree about X axis
	#Save the Image as PSD to File Path with default PsdOptions settings, "output.psd"), PsdOptions())

This example shows the process of saving an Image to MemoryStream. To demonstrate this operation, example loads an existing file from some disk location, performs rotate operation on the image and save the image in PSD format

from aspose.imaging import Image, RotateFlipType
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PsdOptions
from aspose.imaging.extensions import StreamExtensions as stream_ext

#Create an instance of MemoryStream
with stream_ext.create_memory_stream() as stream:
	#Create an instance of image class and initialize it with an existing file through File path
	with Image.load(r"C:\temp\sample.bmp") as image:
		#Rotate the image at 180 degree about X axis
		#Save the Image as PSD to MemoryStream with default PsdOptions settings, PsdOptions())

This example determines whether image can be loaded from a file.

from aspose.imaging import Image

# Use an absolute path to the file
can_load: bool = Image.can_load(r"c:\temp\sample.gif")

This example determines whether image can be loaded from a file stream.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from aspose.imaging.extensions import StreamExtensions as strm_ext
import os.path import join

directory = r"c:\temp"

canLoad = False

# Use a file stream
with open(join(directory, "sample.bmp"), "rb"):
	canLoad = Image.can_load(stream)

print(f"Can load the file: {canLoad}")

# The following data is not a valid image stream, so CanLoad returns false.
imageData = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
with strm_ext.create_memory_stream_from_bytes(imageData) as stream:
	canLoad = Image.can_load(stream)

print(f"Can load the byte buffer: {canLoad}")

This example shows how to determine the image format without loading the entire image from a file.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

# Use an absolute path to the file
file_format = Image.get_file_format(path_join(directory, "sample.gif"))
print(f"The file format is {file_format}")

This example shows how to determine the image format without loading the entire image from a file stream.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from aspose.imaging.extensions import StreamExtensions as strm_ex
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

# Use a file stream
with open(path_join(directory, "sample.bmp"), "rb") as stream:
	file_format = Image.get_file_format(stream)
	print(f"The file format is {file_format}")

# The following data is not a valid image stream, so get_file_format returns FileFormat.UNKNOWN
imageData = bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
with strm_ex.create_memory_stream_from_bytes(imageData) as stream:
	file_format = Image.get_file_format(stream)
	print(f"The file format is {file_format}")

This example shows how to determine whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import JpegOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	saveOptions = JpegOptions()
	saveOptions.quality = 50
	# Determine whether the image can be saved to jpeg
	canSave: bool = image.can_save(saveOptions)

This example loads an image and resizes it using various resizing settings.

from aspose.imaging import Image, ImageResizeSettings, ResizeType, ImageFilterType,\
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

resizeSettings = ImageResizeSettings()

# The adaptive algorithm based on weighted and blended rational function and lanczos3 interpolation.
resizeSettings.mode = ResizeType.ADAPTIVE_RESAMPLE
# The small rectangular filter
resizeSettings.filter_type = ImageFilterType.SMALL_RECTANGULAR
# The number of colors in the palette.
resizeSettings.entries_count = 256
# The color quantization is not used
resizeSettings.color_quantization_method = ColorQuantizationMethod.NONE

# The euclidean method
resizeSettings.ColorCompareMethod = ColorCompareMethod.Euclidian;

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale down by 2 times using adaptive resampling.
	image.resize(image.width // 2, image.height // 2, resizeSettings), "downsample.adaptive.gif"))

This example loads an image and resizes it proportionally using various resizing methods. Only the width is specified, the height is calculated automatically.

from aspose.imaging import Image, ResizeType
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale up by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
	image.resize_width_proportionally(image.width * 2, ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE), "upsample.nearestneighbour.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale down by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
	image.resize_width_proportionally(image.width // 2, ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE), "downsample.nearestneighbour.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale up by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
	image.resize_width_proportionally(image.width * 2, ResizeType.BILINEAR_RESAMPLE), "upsample.bilinear.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale down by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
	image.resize_width_proportionally(image.width // 2, ResizeType.BILINEAR_RESAMPLE);, "downsample.bilinear.gif"))

This example loads an image and resizes it proportionally using various resizing methods. Only the height is specified, the width is calculated automatically.

from aspose.imaging import Image, ResizeType
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale up by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
	image.resize_height_proportionally(image.height * 2, ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE), "upsample.nearestneighbour.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale down by 2 times using Nearest Neighbour resampling.
	image.resize_height_proportionally(image.height // 2, ResizeType.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR_RESAMPLE), "downsample.nearestneighbour.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale up by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
	image.resize_height_proportionally(image.height * 2, ResizeType.BILINEAR_RESAMPLE), "upsample.bilinear.gif"))

with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.gif")) as image:
	# Scale down by 2 times using Bilinear resampling.
	image.resize_height_proportionally(image.height // 2, ResizeType.BILINEAR_RESAMPLE), "downsample.bilinear.gif"))

This example loads an image, rotates it by 90 degrees clockwise and optionally flips the image horizontally and(or) vertically.

from aspose.imaging import Image, RotateFlipType
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = "c:\\temp\\"

rotateFlipTypes = [RotateFlipType.ROTATE_90_FLIP_NONE, RotateFlipType.ROTATE_90_FLIP_X,
				   RotateFlipType.ROTATE_90_FLIP_XY, RotateFlipType.ROTATE_90_FLIP_Y]

for rotateFlipType in rotateFlipTypes:
	# Rotate, flip and save to the output file.
	with Image.Load(path_join(directory, "sample.bmp")) as image:
		image.rotate_flip(rotateFlipType), f"sample.{rotateFlipType}.bmp"))

The following example loads a BMP image from a file, then saves the image to a PNG file.

from aspose.imaging import Image
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = r"c:\temp"

with Image.load(path_join(dir, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	# Save the entire image to a PNG file.
	save_options = PngOptions(), "output.png"), save_options)

The following example loads a BMP image from a file, then saves a rectangular part of the image to a PNG file.

from aspose.imaging import Image, Rectangle
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = r"c:\temp"

with Image.load(path_join(dir, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	# Save the upper half of the image to a PNG file.
	save_options = PngOptions()
	bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, image.width, image.height // 2), "output.png"), save_options, bounds)

The following example loads an image from a file, then saves the image to a PNG file stream.

from aspose.imaging import Image, Rectangle
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = r"c:\temp"

with Image.load(path_join(dir, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	save_options = PngOptions()
	with open(path_join(dir, "output.png"), "w+b") as output_stream:
		# Save the entire image to a file stream., save_options)

The following example loads an image from a file, then saves a rectangular part of the image to a PNG file stream.

from aspose.imaging import Image, Rectangle
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions
from os.path import join as path_join

directory = r"c:\temp"

with Image.load(path_join(dir, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	save_options = PngOptions()
	bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, image.width, image.height // 2)
	with open(path_join(dir, "output.png"), "w+b") as output_stream:
		# Save the upper half of the image to a file stream., save_options, bounds)

The following example shows how to save an entire BMP image or part of it to a file or stream.

from os.path import join as path_join
from aspose.pycore import as_of
from aspose.imaging import Image, ColorPaletteHelper
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import BmpOptions
from aspose.imaging.extensions import StreamExtensions as strm_ext

directory = "c:\\temp\\"
with Image.load(path_join(directory, "sample.bmp")) as image:
	bmpImage = as_of(image, BmpImage)
	# Convert to a black-white image

	# Save to the same location with default options.

	saveOptions = BmpOptions()

	# A palette contains only two colors: Black and White in this case.
	saveOptions.palette = ColorPaletteHelper.create_monochrome()

	# For all monochrome images (including black-white ones) it is enough to allocate 1 bit per pixel.
	saveOptions.bits_per_pixel = 1

	# Save to another location with the specified options., ""), saveOptions)

	# Save only the central part of the image.
	bounds = Rectangle(image.width // 4, image.height // 4, image.width // 2, image.height // 2), ""), saveOptions, bounds)

	# Save the entire image to a memory stream
	with strm_ext.create_memory_stream() as stream:, saveOptions);
		print("The size of the whole image in bytes:", stream.tell())

	# Save the central part of the image to a memory stream
	with strm_ext.create_memory_stream() as stream:, saveOptions, bounds)
		print("The size of the central part of the image in bytes: ", stream.tell())

#The output may look like this:
#The size of the whole image in bytes: 24062
#The size of the central part of the image in bytes: 6046

Determine if the palette is used by the image.

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("Sample.bmp") as image:
	if image.use_palette:
		print("The palette is used by the image")