
HtmlGenerator class

Html generator.

public sealed class HtmlGenerator : IHtmlGenerator


NextSlideIndex { get; }Returns index of a slide, which will be rendered after the current slide or -1 if currently rendering last slide. Read-only Int32.
PreviousSlideIndex { get; }Returns index of previously rendered slide or -1 if first slide is rendering. Read-only Int32.
SlideImageSize { get; }Returns slide image size. Read-only SizeF.
SlideImageSizeUnit { get; }Returns a unit in which slide image size is specified. Read-only SvgCoordinateUnit.
SlideImageSizeUnitCode { get; }Returns a css code of unit in which slide image size is specified. Read-only String.
SlideIndex { get; }Returns index of currently rendering slide. Read-only Int32.


AddAttributeValue(char[])Quotes attribute value and adds it to the html file.
AddAttributeValue(string)Quotes attribute value and adds it to the html file.
AddAttributeValue(char[], int, int)Quotes attribute value and adds it to the html file.
AddHtml(char[])Adds formatted HTML text.
AddHtml(string)Adds formatted HTML text.
AddHtml(char[], int, int)Adds formatted HTML text.
AddText(char[])Adds plain text to the html files, replacing special characters with html entities. Linebreaks and whitespaces aren’t replaced.
AddText(string)Adds plain text to the html files, replacing special characters with html entities. Linebreaks and whitespaces aren’t replaced.
AddText(char[], int, int)Adds plain text to the html files, replacing special characters with html entities. Linebreaks and whitespaces aren’t replaced.

See Also