TiffOptions class

TiffOptions class

Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format.


The TiffOptions type exposes the following members:


__init__Default constructor.


warning_callbackReturns of sets an object which receives warnings and decides whether loading process will continue or will be aborted.
Read/write IWarningCallback.
progress_callbackRepresents a callback object for saving progress updates in percentage.
See IProgressCallback.
default_regular_fontReturns or sets font used in case source font is not found.
Read-write str.
gradient_styleReturns or sets the visual style of the gradient.
Read/write GradientStyle.
ink_optionsProvides options that control the look of Ink objects in exported document.
Read-only IInkOptions
notes_comments_layoutingProvides options that control how notes and comments is placed in exported document.
show_hidden_slidesSpecifies whether the generated document should include hidden slides or not.
Default is false.
image_sizeSpecifies size of a generated TIFF image.
Default value is 0x0, what means that generated image sizes will be calculated based on presentation slide size value.
Read/write aspose.pydrawing.Size.
dpi_xSpecifies the horizontal resolution in dots per inch.
Read/write int.
dpi_ySpecifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch.
Read/write int.
compression_typeSpecifies the compression type.
Read/write TiffCompressionTypes.
pixel_formatSpecifies the pixel format for the generated images.
Read/write ImagePixelFormat.
slides_layout_optionsGets or sets the mode in which slides are placed on the page when exporting a presentation ISlidesLayoutOptions.
bw_conversion_modeSpecifies the algorithm for converting a color image into a black and white image.
This option will applied only if TiffOptions.compression_type
is set to TiffCompressionTypes.CCITT4 or TiffCompressionTypes.CCITT3
Read/write BlackWhiteConversionMode.
Default is BlackWhiteConversionMode.DEFAULT.

See Also