MathBox class

MathBox class

Specifies the logical boxing (packaging) of mathematical element. For example, a boxed object can serve as an operator emulator with or without an alignment point, serve as a line break point, or be grouped such as not to allow line breaks within. For example, the “==” operator should be boxed to prevent line breaks.


The MathBox type exposes the following members:


__init__Initializes MathBox with the specified element as an argument


baseBase argument
operator_emulatorOperator Emulator.
When true, the box and its contents behave as a single operator and inherit the properties of an operator.
This means, for example, that the character can serve as a point for a line break and can be aligned to other operators.
Operator Emulators are often used when one or more glyphs combine to form an operator, such as ‘==’.
Default value: false
no_breakNo break
This property specifies the “unbreakable” property on the object box. When true, no line breaks can occur within the box.
This can be important for operator emulators that consist of more than one binary operator.
When this element is not specified, breaks can occur inside box.
Default: true
When true, the box acts as a differential (e.g., 𝑑𝑥 in an integrand), and receives the appropriate
horizontal spacing for the mathematical differential.
Default: false
alignment_pointWhen true, this operator emulator serves as an alignment point; that is,
designated alignment points in other equations can be aligned with it.
Default: false
explicit_breakExplicit break specifies whether there is a line break at the start of the Box object,
such that the line wraps at the start of the box object.
Specifies the number of the operator on the previous line of mathematical text which shall
be used as the alignment point for the current line of mathematical text
possible values: 1..255
Default: 0 (no explicit break)


joinJoins a mathematical element and forms a mathematical block
joinJoins a mathematical text and forms a mathematical block
divideCreates a fraction with this numerator and specified denominator
divideCreates a fraction with this numerator and specified denominator
divideCreates a fraction of the specified type with this numerator and specified denominator
divideCreates a fraction of the specified type with this numerator and specified denominator
encloseEncloses a math element in parenthesis
encloseEncloses a math element in specified characters such as parenthesis or another characters as framing
functionTakes a function of an argument using this instance as the function name
functionTakes a function of an argument using this instance as the function name
as_argument_of_functionTakes specified function using this instance as the argument
as_argument_of_functionTakes specified function using this instance as the argument
as_argument_of_functionTakes specified function using this instance as the argument
as_argument_of_functionTakes specified function using this instance as the argument and specified additional argument
as_argument_of_functionTakes specified function using this instance as the argument and specified additional argument
set_subscriptCreates subscript
set_subscriptCreates subscript
set_superscriptCreates superscript
set_superscriptCreates superscript
set_sub_superscript_on_the_rightCreates subscript and superscript on the right
set_sub_superscript_on_the_rightCreates subscript and superscript on the right
set_sub_superscript_on_the_leftCreates subscript and superscript on the left
set_sub_superscript_on_the_leftCreates subscript and superscript on the left
radicalSpecifies the mathematical root of the given degree from the specified argument.
radicalSpecifies the mathematical root of the given degree from the specified argument.
set_upper_limitTakes upper limit
set_upper_limitTakes upper limit
set_lower_limitTakes lower limit
set_lower_limitTakes lower limit
naryCreates a N-ary operator
naryCreates a N-ary operator
integralTakes the integral
integralTakes the integral
integralTakes the integral without limits
integralTakes the integral
integralTakes the integral
groupPlaces this element in a group using a bottom curly bracket
groupPlaces this element in a group using a grouping character such as bottom curly bracket or another
to_border_boxPlaces this element in a border-box
to_border_boxPlaces this element in a border-box
to_math_arrayPuts in a vertical array
accentSets an accent mark (a character on the top of this element)
overbarSets a bar on the top of this element
underbarSets a bar on the bottom of this element
to_boxPlaces this element in a non-visual box (logical grouping)
which is used to group components of an equation or other instance of mathematical text.
A boxed object can (for example) serve as an operator emulator with or without an alignment point,
serve as a line break point, or be grouped such as not to allow line breaks within.
get_childrenGet children elements

See Also