Aspose::Words::ControlChar class
]ControlChar class
Control characters often encountered in documents. To learn more, visit the Working With Control Characters documentation article.
class ControlChar
Method | Description |
static Cell() | End of a table cell or end of a table row character: “\x0007” or “\a”. |
static ColumnBreak() | End of column character: “\x000e”. |
ControlChar() | |
static Cr() | Carriage return character: “\x000d” or “\r”. Same as ParagraphBreak. |
static CrLf() | Carriage return followed by line feed character: “\x000d\x000a” or “\r\n”. Not used as such in Microsoft Word documents, but commonly used in text files for paragraph breaks. |
static Lf() | Line feed character: “\x000a” or “\n”. Same as LineFeed. |
static LineBreak() | Line break character: “\x000b” or “\v”. |
static LineFeed() | Line feed character: “\x000a” or “\n”. Same as Lf. |
static NonBreakingSpace() | Non-breaking space character: “\x00a0”. |
static PageBreak() | Page break character: “\x000c” or “\f”. Note it has the same value as SectionBreak. |
static ParagraphBreak() | End of paragraph character: “\x000d” or “\r”. Same as Cr |
static SectionBreak() | End of section character: “\x000c” or “\f”. Note it has the same value as PageBreak. |
static Tab() | Tab character: “\x0009” or “\t”. |
Field | Description |
static constexpr CellChar | End of a table cell or end of a table row character: (char)7 or “\a”. |
static constexpr ColumnBreakChar | End of column character: (char)14. |
static constexpr DefaultTextInputChar | This is the “o” character used as a default value in text input form fields. |
static constexpr FieldEndChar | End of MS Word field character: (char)21. |
static constexpr FieldSeparatorChar | Field separator character separates field code from field value. Optional in some fields. Value: (char)20. |
static constexpr FieldStartChar | Start of MS Word field character: (char)19. |
static constexpr LineBreakChar | Line break character: (char)11 or “\v”. |
static constexpr LineFeedChar | Line feed character: (char)10 or “\n”. |
static constexpr NonBreakingHyphenChar | Non-breaking Hyphen in Microsoft Word is (char)30. |
static constexpr NonBreakingSpaceChar | Non-breaking space character: (char)160. |
static constexpr OptionalHyphenChar | Optional Hyphen in Microsoft Word is (char)31. |
static constexpr PageBreakChar | Page break character: (char)12 or “\f”. |
static constexpr ParagraphBreakChar | End of paragraph character: (char)13 or “\r”. |
static constexpr SectionBreakChar | End of section character: (char)12 or “\f”. |
static constexpr SpaceChar | Space character: (char)32. |
static constexpr TabChar | Tab character: (char)9 or “\t”. |
Shows how to use control characters.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
// Insert paragraphs with text with DocumentBuilder.
builder->Writeln(u"Hello world!");
builder->Writeln(u"Hello again!");
// Converting the document to text form reveals that control characters
// represent some of the document's structural elements, such as page breaks.
ASSERT_EQ(String::Format(u"Hello world!{0}", ControlChar::Cr()) + String::Format(u"Hello again!{0}", ControlChar::Cr()) + ControlChar::PageBreak(),
// When converting a document to string form,
// we can omit some of the control characters with the Trim method.
ASSERT_EQ(String::Format(u"Hello world!{0}", ControlChar::Cr()) + u"Hello again!", doc->GetText().Trim());
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++