Aspose::Words::Document::get_ProtectionType method

Document::get_ProtectionType method

Gets the currently active document protection type.

Aspose::Words::ProtectionType Aspose::Words::Document::get_ProtectionType()


This property allows to retrieve the currently set document protection type. To change the document protection type use the Protect() and Unprotect methods.

When a document is protected, the user can make only limited changes, such as adding annotations, making revisions, or completing a form.

Note that document protection is different from write protection. Write protection is specified using the WriteProtection


Shows how to protect and unprotect a document.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
doc->Protect(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, u"password");

ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, doc->get_ProtectionType());

// If we open this document with Microsoft Word intending to edit it,
// we will need to apply the password to get through the protection.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.Protect.docx");

// Note that the protection only applies to Microsoft Word users opening our document.
// We have not encrypted the document in any way, and we do not need the password to open and edit it programmatically.
auto protectedDoc = MakeObject<Document>(ArtifactsDir + u"Document.Protect.docx");

ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, protectedDoc->get_ProtectionType());

auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(protectedDoc);
builder->Writeln(u"Text added to a protected document.");

// There are two ways of removing protection from a document.
// 1 - With no password:

ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::NoProtection, doc->get_ProtectionType());

doc->Protect(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, u"NewPassword");

ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, doc->get_ProtectionType());


ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::ReadOnly, doc->get_ProtectionType());

// 2 - With the correct password:

ASSERT_EQ(ProtectionType::NoProtection, doc->get_ProtectionType());

See Also