Aspose::Words::IWarningCallback::Warning method

IWarningCallback::Warning method

Aspose.Words invokes this method when it encounters some issue during document loading or saving that might result in loss of formatting or data fidelity.

virtual void Aspose::Words::IWarningCallback::Warning(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::WarningInfo> info)=0


Shows how to set the property for finding the closest match for a missing font from the available font sources.

void EnableFontSubstitution()
    // Open a document that contains text formatted with a font that does not exist in any of our font sources.
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Missing font.docx");

    // Assign a callback for handling font substitution warnings.
    auto substitutionWarningHandler = MakeObject<ExFontSettings::HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings>();

    // Set a default font name and enable font substitution.
    auto fontSettings = MakeObject<FontSettings>();

    // We will get a font substitution warning if we save a document with a missing font.
    doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"FontSettings.EnableFontSubstitution.pdf");

        SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<SharedPtr<WarningInfo>>> warnings = substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->GetEnumerator();
        while (warnings->MoveNext())
            std::cout << warnings->get_Current()->get_Description() << std::endl;

    // We can also verify warnings in the collection and clear them.
    ASSERT_EQ(WarningSource::Layout, substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->idx_get(0)->get_Source());
    ASSERT_EQ(u"Font '28 Days Later' has not been found. Using 'Calibri' font instead. Reason: alternative name from document.",


    ASSERT_EQ(0, substitutionWarningHandler->FontWarnings->get_Count());

class HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings : public IWarningCallback
    SharedPtr<WarningInfoCollection> FontWarnings;

    void Warning(SharedPtr<WarningInfo> info) override
        if (info->get_WarningType() == WarningType::FontSubstitution)

    HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings() : FontWarnings(MakeObject<WarningInfoCollection>())

See Also