Aspose::Words::NodeType enum
]NodeType enum
Specifies the type of a Word document node.
enum class NodeType
Name | Value | Description |
Any | 0 | Indicates all node types. Allows to select all children. |
Document | 1 | A Document object that, as the root of the document tree, provides access to the entire Word document. A Document node can have Section nodes. |
Section | 2 | A Section object that corresponds to one section in a Word document. A Section node can have Body and HeaderFooter nodes. |
Body | 3 | A Body object that contains the main text of a section (main text story). A Body node can have Paragraph and Table nodes. |
HeaderFooter | 4 | A HeaderFooter object that contains text of a particular header or footer inside a section. A HeaderFooter node can have Paragraph and Table nodes. |
Table | 5 | A Table object that represents a table in a Word document. A Table node can have Row nodes. |
Row | 6 | A row of a table. A Row node can have Cell nodes. |
Cell | 7 | A cell of a table row. A Cell node can have Paragraph and Table nodes. |
Paragraph | 8 | A paragraph of text. A Paragraph node is a container for inline level elements Run, FieldStart, FieldSeparator, FieldEnd, FormField, Shape, GroupShape, Footnote, Comment, SpecialChar, as well as BookmarkStart and BookmarkEnd. |
BookmarkStart | 9 | A beginning of a bookmark marker. |
BookmarkEnd | 10 | An end of a bookmark marker. |
EditableRangeStart | 11 | A beginning of an editable range. |
EditableRangeEnd | 12 | An end of an editable range. |
MoveFromRangeStart | 13 | A beginning of an MoveFrom range. |
MoveFromRangeEnd | 14 | An end of an MoveFrom range. |
MoveToRangeStart | 15 | A beginning of an MoveTo range. |
MoveToRangeEnd | 16 | An end of an MoveTo range. |
GroupShape | 17 | A group of shapes, images, OLE objects or other group shapes. A GroupShape node can contain other Shape and GroupShape nodes. |
Shape | 18 | A drawing object, such as an OfficeArt shape, image or an OLE object. A Shape node can contain Paragraph and Table nodes. |
Comment | 19 | A comment in a Word document. A Comment node can have Paragraph and Table nodes. |
Footnote | 20 | A footnote or endnote in a Word document. A Footnote node can have Paragraph and Table nodes. |
Run | 21 | A run of text. |
FieldStart | 22 | A special character that designates the start of a Word field. |
FieldSeparator | 23 | A special character that separates the field code from the field result. |
FieldEnd | 24 | A special character that designates the end of a Word field. |
FormField | 25 | A form field. |
SpecialChar | 26 | A special character that is not one of the more specific special character types. |
SmartTag | 27 | A smart tag around one or more inline structures (runs, images, fields,etc.) within a paragraph. |
StructuredDocumentTag | 28 | Allows to define customer-specific information and its means of presentation. |
StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart | 29 | A start of ranged structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content. |
StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd | 30 | A end of ranged structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content. |
GlossaryDocument | 31 | A glossary document within the main document. |
BuildingBlock | 32 | A building block within a glossary document (e.g. glossary document entry). |
CommentRangeStart | 33 | A marker node that represents the start of a commented range. |
CommentRangeEnd | 34 | A marker node that represents the end of a commented range. |
OfficeMath | 35 | An Office Math object. Can be equation, function, matrix or one of other mathematical objects. Can be a collection of mathematical object and also can contain some non-mathematical objects such as runs of text. |
SubDocument | 36 | A subdocument node which is a link to another document. |
System | 37 | Reserved for internal use by Aspose.Words. |
Null | 38 | Reserved for internal use by Aspose.Words. |
Shows how to traverse through a composite node’s collection of child nodes.
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
// Add two runs and one shape as child nodes to the first paragraph of this document.
auto paragraph = System::ExplicitCast<Paragraph>(doc->GetChild(NodeType::Paragraph, 0, true));
paragraph->AppendChild(MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Hello world! "));
auto shape = MakeObject<Shape>(doc, ShapeType::Rectangle);
// Note that the 'CustomNodeId' is not saved to an output file and exists only during the node lifetime.
paragraph->AppendChild(MakeObject<Run>(doc, u"Hello again!"));
// Iterate through the paragraph's collection of immediate children,
// and print any runs or shapes that we find within.
SharedPtr<NodeCollection> children = paragraph->GetChildNodes(Aspose::Words::NodeType::Any, false);
ASSERT_EQ(3, paragraph->GetChildNodes(Aspose::Words::NodeType::Any, false)->get_Count());
for (const auto& child : System::IterateOver(children))
switch (child->get_NodeType())
case NodeType::Run:
std::cout << "Run contents:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t\"" << child->GetText().Trim() << "\"" << std::endl;
case NodeType::Shape: {
auto childShape = System::ExplicitCast<Shape>(child);
std::cout << "Shape:" << std::endl;
std::cout << String::Format(u"\t{0}, {1}x{2}", childShape->get_ShapeType(), childShape->get_Width(), childShape->get_Height()) << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(100, shape->get_CustomNodeId());
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words
- Library Aspose.Words for C++