Aspose::Words::SubDocument class

SubDocument class

Represents a SubDocument - which is a reference to an externally stored document. To learn more, visit the Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) documentation article.

class SubDocument : public Aspose::Words::Node


Accept(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::DocumentVisitor>) overrideAccepts a visitor.
Clone(bool)Creates a duplicate of the node.
get_CustomNodeId() constSpecifies custom node identifier.
virtual get_Document() constGets the document to which this node belongs.
virtual get_IsComposite()Returns true if this node can contain other nodes.
get_NextNode() const
get_NextSibling()Gets the node immediately following this node.
get_NodeType() const overrideReturns SubDocument.
get_ParentNode()Gets the immediate parent of this node.
get_PreviousSibling()Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
get_PrevNode() const
get_Range()Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node.
GetAncestor(Aspose::Words::NodeType)Gets the first ancestor of the specified NodeType.
virtual GetText()Gets the text of this node and of all its children.
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
IsAncestorNode(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)
NextPreOrder(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
static NodeTypeToString(Aspose::Words::NodeType)A utility method that converts a node type enum value into a user friendly string.
PreviousPreOrder(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
Remove()Removes itself from the parent.
set_CustomNodeId(int32_t)Setter for Aspose::Words::Node::get_CustomNodeId.
set_NextNode(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)
set_PrevNode(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)
SetParent(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Node>&)
ToString(Aspose::Words::SaveFormat)Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format.
ToString(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions>&)Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options.
static Type()


In this version of Aspose.Words, SubDocument nodes do not provide public methods and properties to create or modify a subdocument. In this version you are not able to instantiate SubDocument nodes or modify existing except deleting them.

SubDocument can only be a child of Paragraph.


Shows how to access a master document’s subdocument.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Master document.docx");

SharedPtr<NodeCollection> subDocuments = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::SubDocument, true);

// This node serves as a reference to an external document, and its contents cannot be accessed.
auto subDocument = System::ExplicitCast<SubDocument>(subDocuments->idx_get(0));


See Also